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We promised you, the readers, a response to the survey concerning the hiring freeze imposed by King James.

Here are the Results:

No "A"s were chosen - noone thought this was a political move because it was intended to save money, not spend it. Odd the mayor would want to save money unless "C" was correct!

Very few "B"s were chosen - those responding felt like this could have been an original idea by the mayor. ( Would be odd though, the mayor having an original idea )

Several "C"s were chosen - they stated that all indications are the mayor has squandered the City money to the point of recessionary levels. Also, the people are wondering if the grant money for the Riverfront Project is intact or if King James funneled it into the general budget to mislead the people as to the financial condition of the City?

People chose "D" overwhelmingly. One response was the mayor, by his hiring freeze, is attempting to sterilize the part of the City workforce who doesn't agree with him or refuses to put up with his arrogance and deception. Another response was that this is strictly a move because of the attention the "intelligent" people have put on him. Questions he cannot answer and is too inept to research.

Whatever the responses, it is clear that King James and the Crenshaw Block are not trusted or believed.

The public has spoken!

More surveys to come!