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          We have a number of RESOLUTIONS FOR 2012 for the Angelfire web site and invite you to join us in bringing these resolutions to reality:


1. To do everything in our power legally and non-violently to bring an end to the cancer in our community known as HATE RADIO 105.3. HATE RADIO, as the name implies, spreads hate, animosity, division, and disunity among the good people of Selma. Like a cancer of the body politic of Selma, it keeps division in the city, hinders industry seeking efforts, keeps businesses from wanting to locate here, and is a generally corrupting influence by both THE MESSAGE AND THE MUSIC it bombards the community with.

2. To do everything in our power legally and non-violently to keep JAMSES PERKINS, JR from being elected Mayor in August. The perennial candidate (this will be his 6th campaign for Mayor) will announce that he is running for Mayor WITHIN THE NEXT WEEK. Of course that has been no secret as he has been running every day since his ignominious defeat in August, 2008. The good people of Selma, black and white, need to remember how Perkins RAN SELMA INTO THE GROUND for EIGHT YEARS.

          Is there anyone who would say that the city was SAFER in 2008 than it was when Perkins took office in 2000? Is there anyone who would say the ECONOMY was better in Selma in 2008 than it was when Perkins took office in 2000? If there anyone who would say the POLICE DEPARTMENT was in better condition in 2008 than it was when Perkins took office in 2000? Is there anyone who would say that there was a better relationship with COUNTY GOVERNMENT AND COUNTY CITIZENS in 2008 than there was when Perkins took office in 2000? Good people, remember how Perkins antagonized so many people by his dictatorial efforts to annex Valley Grande into the city, how he sued County Government because County Government erected a tower on its own property (he lost the suit and cost the city big legal fees), how many people left Selma to move to Prattville, Valley Grande and elsewhere because of Perkins and his disregard for the thoughts of some segments of the community, how the population of Selma declined every year from 2000 to 2008, how the last year he was in office Perkins spent $722,000 MORE than the General Fund received and left the General Government Fund in a much worse condition than he found it in 2000? We could go on and on about how the CITY SUFFERED UNDER EIGHT YEARS of the Perkins Administration AND WE INTEND TO IN THE COMING MONTHS!!!

3. To do everything possible to convince Mayor Evans that in his second term, HE MUST have Department heads who are competent, who are loyal to him, and who are not undermining him in the public’s eye by incompetence as well as working behind his back to get Perkins re-elected.

4. To expose hypocrisy among politicians such as Hank Sanders. Recently Sanders wrote an article in the Times-Journal lamenting the possibility that some money may be taken from the Education Trust Fund to run state government. Sanders went on and on about how the funds were needed for Public Education. WHAT A HYPOCRITE! Since 1993, HANK SANDERS HAS TAKEN MORE THAN TEN MILLION DOLLARS ($10,000,000.00) from the Education Trust Fund and given it to the private organizations and corporations of his wife, Rose Sanders. This money has gone primarily to 21st Century, the Voting Rights Museum, CARE (look at their headquarters the next time you pass Benton on Hwy 80 and see what a farce that it), Black Belt , McRae (the latest scam funding scholarships through James Mitchell and Wallace Community College for McRae). Think about this: what other community college in the whole world funds SCHOLARSHIPS TO A PRIVATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL USING PUBLIC FUNDS…only in Selma, only with Sanders and Mitchell!

5. To publicly expose whiners such as Carolyn Robinson, Dee Henderson and Tammy Maul who have tried to keep the community divided over the removal of Don Jefferson as School Superintendent. These people need to get a life and get serious about educating children rather than causing division and hate in the community.

          We have many other Resolutions during this NEW YEAR. We invite you to join us in fulfilling the 5 listed above! Happy New Year from your Angelfire friends: Nancy, Nancy, Kendra and Maggie.