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          Just when it appeared things were quieting down in Selma and people were realizing that we are all going to have to work together or we will all perish together, Mark "The Bully" Duke has reared his divisive head in River City again. Duke has rightly moved his Real Talk radio circus to Hate Radio 105.3 where it and he belong! Friday, he spent his hour verbally bullying Selma Country Club, Judge Bob Armstrong, and Council President Dr. Cecil Williamson. Duke has a visceral hatred for each of these, which leads him to lose touch with reality.

          He is obsessed with the Selma Country Club and despises it because it does not have black members. We are surprised Duke is such an ingrate in joining with Rose Sanders and her Chicago imported son-in-law Franklin Fortier in attacking Judge Bob Armstrong. It seems that Judge Armstrong's "sins" are that he belongs to the Country Club and he sent his children to Morgan Academy. We say that Duke is an ingrate with a short memory because initially there were few people in Selma who tried to befriend the Freedom Foundation more than Armstrong did, even to the point of hiring some of their members to work in his court system. We are thankful that the Judge has distanced himself from Mark Duke in the last year or so, but this has cause Duke to turn on him with a vengence. We admire what the Judge has tried to do in the Juvenile and District Courts and know that he is so much more qualified to be a Judge than his opponent, City Attorney Jimmy Nunn. Although some people mistake the Judge's fairness as softness, we do not believe that the Judge will be bullied by Mark Duke, Fortier, Rose, or Hate Radio 105.3.

          Which brings us to Council President Dr. Cecil Williamson, who daily undergoes the wrath of Hate Radio 105.3 from Rose, Fortier, and now Mark "The Bully" Duke. Hate Radio has repeatedly told and repeated the lie that Williamson belongs to the League of the South. The truth is not in people like those on Hate Radio. We do not think "The Bully" is going to be able to intimidate Dr. Williamson.

          Mark duke may have his CULT MEMBERS so brainwashed that they have to ask him when or if they can have sex with their wives and husbands, but most people in Selma know a fraud when they see and hear one. He has done nothing except cause division, confusion, and chaos in the city since he moved his CULT to Selma from Colorado. We had hope he had left the city and found peace in Peachtree City, Georgia, with his legal and his spiritual wives.

          We thought Dr. Williamson recently did an excellent job on Viewpoint in answering the attacks on himself by Rose and Fortier. We close by paraphrasing what he said, adding the BULLY to our list:

          The Selma Country Club, Judge Bob Armstrong, and Dr. Cecil Williamson are not the problem in Selma. They are not the reason unemployment is at 26%. They are not the reason that crime is out of control. They are not the reason that we don't have jobs for our people. They are not the reason we have 80% of our babies born to single mothers. They are not the reason we have a 40% drop out rate. They are not the reason almost half of our people live below the poverty level.

          ROSE, MARK, FORTIER: How about dealing with the real problems in Selma for a change!!!