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(In Selma Town)

Twas the night before Christmas and all through Selma town
Assassination hoaxes, robberies, drugs, and shootings did abound

Ma with her AK47 and I with my Smith and Wesson in sight
Had just settled down in Selma for another fear filled night

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care
In hopes that St Perk and Trustbuild would soon be there

The drug dealers were nestled all safe in our neighborhoods
While robbers waited to steal our goods

When out on the street, there arose such a clatter
That I grabbed my 38 and went to see what was the matter
Ma with her AK47 was back-up on my right
Because Martin has only 4 patrol cars out at night

Away to the door I flew like a flash
Released my safety and hid my cash

When, what to my fear filled eyes should appear
But a new police car and a Trustbuild worker dear
And a passenger, so lively with a kingly smirk
I knew in a moment it must be St. Perk

More rapid than eagles his minions they came
And he whistled and shouted and called them by name
Now, Crenshaw! Now, Venter! Now, Randolph and Leashore!
On Sherri, On Janice, On Bridgette and many ladies more!

To the airport! To the train! Forget the top of the wall
Now travel and spend, travel and spend, have a ball

A wink of Perk's eye and a twist of his head
Soon gave me to know I had everything to dread
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work
And filled all the stockings, that's our man St. Perk

To the incompetent Nunn a big raise was given
To the inept Martin, new cars driven
A million dollar land deal for his supporter though
But a pink slip to the lady his former secretary called the "mayor's ho"

A superintendency was promised to Griffith or was it his cousin Tonya Chestnut
And to Selma's citizens, there was a kick in the financial gut
Jobs for cousin Rutledge, Uncle Frank and brother-in-law Pettaway
Overpaid positions for cronies in city hall, each day

And laying his finger aside his nose
St Perk gave a nod to his mentor Rose
To his Trustbuild cousin Rutledge he gave a city credit card
And away they all flew like asses in a barnyard

But I heard St Perk exclaim
Ere he drove off to Birmingham
"More taxes on all,
And Angelfire be damned!"