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This website read, with great interest, the article written by the Selma Times Journal on the opinion page. Mr Lindsey certainly explained to us how an empty hanger was very positive for our community. He explained how the loss of 56 jobs was good and how the monetary loss of millions of dollars to the community was a plus. Why he jumped out and defended the people he mentioned is beyond this website's comprehension. No one should blame anyone for L-3 losing a contract. This happens frequently when dealing with government contracts.

This website has been informed by a source at the newspaper that Mr Lindsey owes favors to the mayor and is prone to write whatever is suggested to him. He is also prone to not publish anything that is suggested for him to omit. The thought of the local newspaper being manipulated by local politicians is sobering and down right repulsive.

To say that the upside of L-3 closing offsets the downside consisting of job loss and money spent in this city by the employees and the company is totally missing the point of economic development and its purpose and importance. If one will read this article carefully one will understand that the STJ is saying that closing businesses is good because it gives room for another. What a disturbing picture this article paints to this community in order to defend politicians.