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          Remember when, then Mayor, James Perkins, Jr. threatened to have Council members Cain and Williamson arrested and barred from City Hall because he said (falsely) that they were going into city offices and interrupting city employees who were trying to work? GUESS WHO WAS GOING INTO CITY HALL OFFICES MONDAY! None other than former Mayor Perkins and Henry Hicks going from office to office interrupting city employees and drumming up support for Perkins' run for Congress. What a hypocrite!

          We are in a dilemma about Perkins running for Congress and do not want to make the same mistake we made 20 years ago when Hank Sanders ran for Congress against Earl Hilliard, Sr. It was immediately after Rose had wrecked the Selma City School system and most whites in the community were still upset about that (remember the National Guard had to be called in to restore order after Rose got through with Selma High). There was no way people were going to vote for Hank under those circumstances. Hank lost a very close race by almost the exact number of votes by which Hilliard carried Dallas County. Hilliard turned out to be a crook and a sorry Congressman. Sanders was elected to the Alabama State Senate where he and union AEA Boss Paul Hubbert have crippled public education in Alabama and raided the Education Trust Fund for nearly 20 years.

          Our dilemma is, do we vote for Perkins and get him out of Selma or do we not vote for him because for 8 years he ran the city into the ground? And speaking of Sanders, at age 66 is he too old to run for Congress himself? Rose does not think so, but Albert Turner, Jr., who is backing Bobby Singleton, sure does and said so in no uncertain terms. It was interesting to hear Rose and Albert tie into one another on the radio about this. We noticed that little Albert was not on the radio last week and wonder if the Sanders law firm will continue to represent every entity in Perry County after little Albert finishes with them. Perhaps Rose should lay low for a little while and count her money: $450,000.00 that we are aware of has just come from the taxpayers of America and Alabama to her Museum. Artur Davis got her 350,000.00 in the recently passed federal budget and Hank got her another $100,000.00 from the Education Trust Fund.

          And speaking of Perkins running for Congress, this is an opportune time for Mayor Evans to remove the remainder of Perkins' appointees from the city payroll. THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT EVANS' FRIENDS and will stab him in the back at the earliest opportunity. We understand that 2 or 3 council members are proposing a NO CONFIDENCE VOTE ON some of the remaining Perkins appointees on the City payroll, We recommend this so that Mayor Evans will know that the majority of the Council members are looking out for him!

          And speaking of HYPOCRITES, how about the Mark Duke annointed Ronald Smith at Selma Community Church. Monday, Ronald was pontificating about churches not doing anything in or for the community where they are located (other than build bigger buildings). Since Ronald's church is only 2 blocks from the Tepper's Building, we suggest that he and his church COMPLETE THIS EYESORE WHICH HIS FRIENDS AT THE FREEDOM FOUNDATION have left boarded up on the main street of town and which was featured prominently on the recent CNN show about the depressed condition of Selma. Thanks Mark Duke, the FF and Ronald for showing that to the nation!!

          Mark Duke tells us that he is back in the corporate world and will be out of Selma from time to time. What that means is that the money has run out and he has had to go to work again. AND WE WANT TO KNOW WHERE HIS WIFE BECKY IS!