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We have obtained the Minutes of the Board Meeting of the National Voting Rights Museum (Hank and Rose Sanders' museum) for December 9, 2009. READ THE MINUTES FOLLOWING THIS ARTICLE. The Minutes reveal a pattern of FINANCIAL FRAUD, MISUSE OF MONEY, AND MISMANAGEMENT. Among the interesting features of the Minutes is:

1. Wallace College with James Mitchell as President PAYING $60,000 FOR THE ENTERTAINMENT AT THE JUBILEE FESTIVAL. We want to know why a public institution is giving taxpayers money to a private museum.

2. How money given to the Museum for building renovations was used to pay back taxes the museum has owed for years. Franklin Fortier of HATE RADIO 105.3 was in charge of this misuse of funds-no surprise there!

3. The situation is so bad at the Museum that Rose has resigned from the Board, BUT don't think that is the end of the Jubilee. Rather than the Museum sponsoring Jubilee, Rose will now run it.

4. Wallace College has their own account for Jubilee expenses. With the cozy relationship between Mitchell and Hank Sanders, Wallace has become little more than a conduit for state dollars to pass through the college to the Sanders family enterprises.

5. It appears Fortier has been relieved of managing any money associated with the Museum. That is a good move on someone's part considering how much money has been misspent at the Museum.

6. Note how the Museum is trying to avoid paying its lawful debts.

7. "Wallace College is going to pay for most of the Jubilee expenses" (direct quote from Minutes)

8. Minutes reflect that Winnie Mandela would cost $30,000 to come here. The total given her actually turned out to be much more--all taxpayers dollars.

9. Back taxes were still owed at the time.

If anyone wants to know how NOT to run a business, the Voting Rights Museum is a classic example. No one knows how much money has been stolen, lost, wasted, and misused at that Museum in the last 20 years.

Meanwhile, Rose's mission in life appears to be to sow discord in the community both on HATE RADIO 105.3 and at City Council meetings, where she continues her irrational, vicious and mean spirited personal attacks on Council President Cecil Williamson. We listened at the council meeting Tuesday night and wish that Rose would stop wasting the council's and public's time with her diatribes against Williamson. She should take her hate some where else and let the council conduct the people's business.