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ROSE SANDERS' JUBILEE AND BRIDGE CROSSING EVENT: Following these paragraphs is a letter the Bridge Crossing Jubilee sent out asking for money to support the March event. Note that the REV. JEREMIAH WRIGHT will be coming to our fair city and speaking at TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH. That should come as no surprise because Tabernacle was also the church which hosted and permitted to speak from its pulpit, Louis Farrakhan, when he came to Selma. We wonder what the pastor and members of Tabernacle are thinking about by letting such pagans and NON-Christians, indeed anti-Christians, as Farrakhan appear in and speak from the pulpit of a church which calls itself by His name. Perhaps it is decisions like this by Jubilee organizers which prevent widespread local and public support for this event!

MARK DUKE, HIS HOUSE OF GOD CHURCH, AND THE FREEDOM FOUNDATION: No local support except among the poor and disadvantaged in the community whom Duke and his followers prey upon. We have wondered why the Dukester has lost most all of his support from the educated white and black communities. We also wondered why so few people have left his House of God Church, which has been called a cult by the cult authority Watchmen Fellowship. THEN WE HEARD THAT EACH MEMBER OF THE CULT HAS GIVEN TO DUKE A PERSONAL "SIN LIST", listing their primary previous sins. We are told that many of the men in the group have listed "homosexuality" on their SIN LIST. Who would want to have their SIN LIST made public? Is this the reason that only a few people have ever left the cult? We do know that a few local members of the group are in contact with those who are familiar with cults and are working to free people from this local cult.

HATE RADIO 105.3: We can not decide which is more poisonous to local minds: the vulgar music or the hate speech which comes from what we affectionately call Hate 105.3. We do not understand how the owners of the station which purport to uphold women and children let such violent filth be played on their station. If you can stomach it, listen in the late afternoons to some of the vulgarity and filth in the songs played which demean women and sex. We are pleased that 105.3 lets the pathetic, disgraced, and DEFEATED EX-councilman Johnnie Leashore be on the air. Listening to Leashore causes us to thank the Lord for the voters in Ward 6 who voted him OUT of public office. He and Franklin Fornicator are a great pair - you can decide a pair of what! And as if Selma did not have enough problems, we have Albert "Little Al" Turner, Jr. coming over from Perry County to save us from ourselves. Since Little Al decided to run for Congress, he has toned down the rhetoric!

CITY TREASURER CYNTHIA MITCHELL: We have always wondered how someone who was putting candy canes in boxes at Ameican Candy could suddenly become City Finance Director. No wonder city finances are in such as mess. Although she "discovered" the budget was short by $85,000, she didn't bother to tell the City Council until the Council had approved what it thought was sufficient cuts to balance the budget. Ms. Mitchell has demonstrated time and time again that she does not know what she is doing - how long City Council??