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Is there a more hateful person in Selma than Johnnie "the loser" Leashore? How can someone who was fired from his job for stealing and shooting into the house of his girlfriend (while married) talk about the Mayor and the City Council? And when is he going to pay back the money he stole from the Water Board? If there is a poster child for HATE RADIO 105.3, it should be Leashore.

Speaking of HATE RADIO 105.3, how about those parodies that the Dukester has on Real Talk? If he would leave off the many "damns" and "hells" (what language for a "preacher" to use), we would rate the parodies as excellent entertainment - by far the best part of Real Talk.

We still wonder how Ezekiel Pettaway is pastor of a church in Montgomery and spending all of his time promoting the false doctrine of the House of God cult? Again, we urge everyone in Valley Grande to remember the name, Ezekiel Pettaway, who will be running as a Democrat for the Dallas County Board of Education in the November election against incumbent Mark Story. Do not forget the Rev. had a lucrative contract to clean up the Water Works Building while Mayor Perkins was in office. We are delighted that Mayor Evans put a stop to that rip-off.

And if someone can tell us why Rose Sanders and the Freedom Foundation minions keep coming before the City Council wasting the time of the council and the people with their personal agendas and attacks. They and others are abusing the process, which was intended for citizens to make requests to the Council about things the Council can do something about. Recently there has been a concerted effort to disrupt the council meetings with agendas and attacks that the council can do nothing about.

We are pleased that Council President Dr. Williamson continues to point out to citizens that the police department is under the complete control of the Mayor. The Mayor alone hires and fires the Police Chief. Only the Mayor can direct a police officer to remove someone from the council chamber or perform any other act. Although it may help citizen's feelings to vent about the police to the council, citizens should do so knowing that the Mayor's office is the only place they can get any real action regarding the police department.

Like all people of good will, we too are distressed at the rash of killings in our city. It is reminiscent of the time Mayor Perkins was in office and there were 12 killings in a year. We are half way there now. Most of the so called "black" leaders continue to place the blame everywhere except where it belongs-on the individuals committing the crimes. It is a spiritual problem and it won't be solved by more education, jobs, food stamps, free housing, or any other social problems. People are responsible for their own actions and should be held accountable-not excused- for their wrong actions.

We hear that now the Votings Rights Museum has received the $450,000.00 government grant from Congressman Davis that Rose is trying to worm her way back on the Museum Board, from which she recently resigned.....and while we are in that area, can someone explain to us WHY WALLACE COMMUNITY COLLEGE GAVE $70,000.00 TO SUPPORT THE Jubilee? The sooner James Mitchell retires and is gone from this community, the better off we will all be. While Bradley Byrne may have cleaned up some of the mess at the 2 year colleges, the one college he missed was Wallace and Mitchell. While Wallace has some excellent instructional programs, it has become little more than a conduit through which Hank Sanders funnels millions of dollars to his family and friends and their organizations.

Until later, from old town, here's hoping we get through the weekend without another senseless killing. Hate Radio 105.3 and people like Leashore and the self-appointed bishop Fortier should understand that their vile rhetoric creates an atmosphere in Selma where violence and hatred are acceptable.