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More questions?

1) Why was there not a sufficient amount of water in the hydrants the other night to battle the fire that consumed (2) houses in the 1200 block of Mabry St.? Potters Station volunteer fire department had to be called in to supply water to Selma fire through the use of tankers.

2) How can Chief Jimmy Martin schedule a promotional exam, offer insite on the material content, coordinate with the company chosen to administer it, then apply to take it himself? Hm???? Sounds like an ethics violation to me. Doesn't that kind of fall under personal gain by an individuals position?

3) How can any logical thinking person expect a community to abide by the laws and conduct themselves in a respectable manner if the very government that leads them (and I use that term "leads" loosely) can not do it themselves?

4) Why does the Selma police Dept. not have a drug unit anymore? Fact is there is not an active working drug unit at the Selma police Dept. at this time. The (2) officers and supervisor who once manned the unit are no longer there. One is sitting in the FEMA trailer that is stratigically placed throughout the City which is a huge waste of time and manpower as is the TrustBuild fiasco. The second officer, who was also placed in the trailer, could take no more stupidity, quit and is now working for the 4th judicial task force. The supervisor, who was over the unit, got tired of the idiot running the department (among other problems) and requested a transfer back to patrol which is where he is now. No drug unit!!!!!

5) Why are there numerous applications for police officers sitting in the personnel office and no one will pick them up? Could it be the current recruiter for the Selma Police Dept. is too busy running behind his Chief and wife to concern himself with trying to get someone hired to fill slots at the police department? Could it be that the interim chief could care less whether anyone gets hired due to the fact that this is a way he can get back at all the people who are fed up with all of his acts of ignorance and impropriaties by leaving the department short-handed?

6) Why, if Chief Jimmy Martin has resigned as Chief, is he still attending all Chief's conferences and LECC conferences for a department and city that doesn't have the money to give the police officers a substantial raise, yet he gets perdium checks for $500 a trip to go strut his Huggy Bear outfits at the beach?

Bottom line is the people of Selma have no idea just how bad of shape the Selma Police Department and this city are really in. If the public really knew, it would make the law abiding citizens sick to their stomach and the criminal mind estatic. The same showing needs to be at the next Council meeting as the last, it should be interesting.

Stay tuned for another headline concerning a Selma Police Department officer.