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LEASHORE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE: Although it has taken since January 27th, City Councilman Johnnie Leashore finally got his just due in court this week by being found guilty of reckless driving (in excess of 100 miles per hour) on City streets. All we had asked was that Leashore be treated like everyone else who receives a ticket. Unfortunately, Police Chief Jimmy Martin TRIED to have this ticket fixed. FORTUNATELY, Officers Whitt and Harris did what was right and did not void the ticket.

This $325 (fine + court costs) seems like justice to us IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE. Even though Leashore has been ripping off City water users by taking a salary of more than $2,100.00 a month to be a member of the Water Board and another $1,250.00 a month to be on the City Council, HE, CRENSHAW, VENTER, AND THE WHOLE PERKINS GANG IN CITY HALL HAVE TRIED EVERY WAY POSSIBLE TO KEEP COUNCIL SECRETARY DIANNA JOHNSON FROM GETTING A MERE $333.00 A MONTH RAISE.

We highly commend Council Members Martin, Allen, Cain, Williamson, and Evans FOR REDUCING LEASHORE'S OUTRAGEOUS WATER BOARD SALARY FROM $25,500.00 A YEAR TO $10,800.00 A YEAR. To us, that is STILL too much to pay someone like Leashore, but we understand this was the best the Council Members could do under the circunstances. We especially thank MRS JEAN MARTIN FOR CASTING THE DECIDING VOTE ON THIS MATTER!

SANDERS vs PERKINS: It is not our policy to become involved in disputes such as this, but we believe that TRUTH IS TRUTH no matter who says it. What Senator Sanders has said about Perkins is what we have been saying about the Mayor for months. The Senator is absolutely correct when he says Perkins is "a control freak", that "Perkins is bad for Selma" and that Perkins even withholds information from City Council Members. Mayor Perkins is an absolute control freak who wants to control every person, every facet, every penny, everything about City Government, City School Board, hospitals, hotels, and economic and industrial authorities. Perkins is definitely bad for Selma. There is more division, animosity, strife, distrust, disunity, and hatred in Selma than at any time in its history; and it's primarily Perkins' responsibility because of his lack of people skills, lack of communication skills, and lack of knowledge about what to do about the real issues in the City, CRIME AND DRUGS!

As for Perkins withholding information, even from Council Members, anyone who doesn't believe that should talk to some Council Members who have tried to get information about such basic issues as City finances. AND EVEN AN UNDERLING SUCH AS CITY CLERK LOIS WILLIAMS, who is actually hired by the City Council, mimics the Mayor. Monday night, when asked for information by Council President George Evans, Miss Williams made some inane statement that did not want to answer and wanted the questions in writing (no doubt, that is what King James has instructed all department heads to say) even though what is asked for is always PUBLIC INFORMATION. We are not taking sides in the Sanders vs Perkins dispute, BUT THE SENATOR IS ABSOLUTELY RIGHT IN WHAT HE SAID ABOUT PERKINS!!!

MARTIAL LAW: We are not yet prepared to endorse Councilman Williamson's call for martial law in Selma, BUT we do commend him for at least having a plan to do SOMETHING about the out of control crime and drug problem in Selma. We know that Mayor Perkins and Police Chief Martin have NO PLAN to bring crime under control in Selma. The Mayor is philosophically a socialist who does not believe more police would help solve the crime problem, but that more government giveaways would solve the crime problem. Everything he does has a "free" sign on it for potential low or no income voters to support him, but a big price tag for working, productive people who have to pay for government socialism.

AND WE NOTE THAT THE SELMA TIMES-JOURNAL was critical of Dr. Williamson's call for martial law. So we ask them, WHAT IS THE STJ PLAN TO COMBAT DRUGS AND CRIME? If the STJ will email us their plan, we will GLADLY print it on this website...also, we heard Council President George Evans on Viewpoint disagreeing with Councilman Williamson. So, Mr. Evans, send us YOUR plan for cleaning up crime and drugs in Selma and we will put it on this site also!

It only makes the drug problem worse for citizens to close their eyes to DRUGS BEING SOLD ON THE STREET CORNERS AROUND 2nd AVE AND BIENVILLE (according to Councilman Randolph), for a drug house to operate openly on King Street with people coming and going at all hours of the day and night and cars parked everywhere up and down the street, for a drug house to operate in the RIVERVIEW SECTION of the City, and in other areas THAT THE SELMA POLICE DEPARTMENT HAS BEEN INFORMED ABOUT AND DOES NOTHING ABOUT!!!


MORE THEFT AT WALMART: This website had printed an earlier article about all of the commodes being stopped up at Wal-Mart because of wrappings from stolen merchandise being flushed down the commodes while the thieves wear the stolen merchandise out of the store. WE NOW LEARN THAT ALL COMMODES BEING STOPPED UP HAS HAPPENED NOT ONCE BUT TWICE IN THE LAST MONTH! Why doesn't management institute and ENFORCE a policy of no items can be taken into the restrooms??? This thievery costs honest citizens more and forces Wa-Mart in Selma to charge us higher prices than other Wal-Marts charge in safe cities!

ANOTHER SELMA POLICE OFFICER BEING INVESTIGATED: We understand that an internal investigation is being conducted of a SPD officer who is alleged to have been involved in a domestic dispute with her husband and FIRED SHOTS during the altercation. One of the MANY PROBLEMS Chief Martin has created in the SPD is that he has hired people WHO REALLY SHOULD NOT BE ON ANY POLICE FORCE ANYWHERE!! Consequently, some police officers are repeatedly involved in questionable activities and the entire department suffers as a result of Martin's inept leadership.