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          This website has been critical of the Selma Times-Journal bacause, in our opinion, the Times-Journal was not reporting numerous crimes which were occuring in our city. We also believe that the Selma Police Department, which is in total disarray and choas thanks to Perkins and Martin, was receiving a "pass" from the Times-Journal.

          We understand why the STJ was not reporting all of the crimes in Selma and not reporting the dismaying conditions in the Selma Police Department. The newspaper was receiving immense pressure from Selma's business leaders to NOT report "negative news" because the truth would hurt efforts to recruit new industry to our area. Those same business leaders were in a quandry because they also want Perkins REMOVED as Mayor. They see him as an egomaniac and NOT A TEAM PLAYER. In effect, the business leaders were urging the STJ not to print negative news which was caused by Perkins, a man they want removed from office.

          In the last week, THE STJ SEEMS TO HAVE CHANGED ITS TACT and decided to print the truth about Perkins, crime in Selma, and the situation in the Police Department CAUSED BY MARTIN AND PERKINS. If our business leaders want to be rid of Perkins, THEY SHOULD, even if it temporarily hurts industrial recruitment, urge the STJ to print all of the news about crime and chaos under the City's present leadership. The truth about the Perkins administration will REMOVE him from office. Then, we will have a Mayor who is a TEAM PLAYER and Selma can thrive.

          We appreciate the change in direction at the STJ and urge them to continue to print stories showing that the people of Selma are VIRTUALLY UNPROTECTED with only 41 certified police officers on duty, when experts say there should be at least 70 in a city this size.

          NO business would let an employee resign, continue working 5-6 months, and continue to hire and fire personnel; yet, THAT IS WHAT PERKINS IS DOING BY LETTING MARTIN REMAIN ON AS POLICE CHIEF AFTER MARTIN RESIGNED. Apparently Martin's church and children did not need him as much as he said when he resigned.

          Many of the unqualified people who have been fired at the SPD, or quit before being fired, were hired by Martin. Despite this pitiful track record in hiring, Martin continues to hire and fire at the SPD. THIS IS UNCONSCIOUNABLE AND MUST CEASE IMMEDIATELY!

          Martin must go NOW and Perkins must go if Selma is ever to be unified and grow!