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          The Swamp, one of a few of the popular night spots in our city, is closing. Not because of crime this time, but because the population has decreased and the money for leisure activities has left Selma. A large sales tax producer has dropped by the way because of the attitudes of the people, caused by the arrogant mismanagement by City Officials. Sales tax is plummeting and you hear nothing about it except what information can be gleaned from anonymous sources who demand they not be identified. These sources informed this website that Perkins MUST have this Bond Issue to prop up the City's absorbant budget requirements. We have more City employees, per capita, than in the history of our city. TrustBuild, who pulls almost half a million dollars from our pockets per year. Oversized pay raises to Perkins chosen few city employees while poverty levels are rising from lack of jobs (the few jobs Perkins has brought in pay poverty wages).

          Another sales tax producing is also closing. Lorch's, a long time vibrant local business is calling it quits. The lack of money in circulation caused by citizens shopping out of town and the extensive problems with collections on installment accounts have caused undue financial woes.

          They are like many businesses in our city, they are trying as hard as they can but it just not working.

          Many have said they will continue to shop out of town until the crime levels are reduced, attitudes are modified, prices go down, and the dictators in City Hall are replaced.

          What a sad day in our city that people have thrown up their hands and lost hope in the people that were elected to save them.

          Major changes have to be made in City Hall. Those who continue to support Perkins are causing great harm to those who are looking forward to a better life.

          The "vision" that is always talked about is working...but only for those who bow down to The King.