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Little Known Facts

*22' box truck stolen from American Apparel on August 19, 2007 valued in excess of $20,000

*Murphy Oil Company, located at Wal-Mart, robbed at gunpoint - attendant sent to hospital

*Attempted burglary at Raceway - $300.00 damage

*One of the Hardys re-joined Selma Police Dept. after quitting. Wonder what incentives the King and his acting Chief promised him?

*Water Board has meeting 9/17/07. Not advertised to public which is in violation of The Sunshine Law. Do they feel that they are above the law?

*Public meeting on elected vs. appointed school board. Little discussion about called agenda. Crenshaw Four had already selected board members to fill vacancies on school board without public knowledge.

*Mayor making cold calls to people asking if they will join his "calamity" in The Police Department. We thought that was the job of the Personnal Director. Sources in City Hall stated he is only asking those he can control.

*Trust/Build working hard, at taxpayers expense, to get Perkins re-elected.

*Number of people getting gun permits for personal protection continues to increase.

*Perkins refuses to establish Environmental Court.

*Shots fired at Pride of Elks on Water Ave., the Mayor's watering hole, between 12:00 - 1:00 a.m. Sunday morning. Ambulance responded and transported victim to hospital.

*Man stabbed at Roger's Lounge Friday night, assailant left club walking and was hit by an automobile.

*Burglaries, Robberies, Shootings, Breaking into automobiles, and Employee Theft on a sharp increase in our city. Where is our leadership?

******More to come!!!********