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We are printing the letter which follows exactly as we received it via email from Allan McConnell of Birmingham, who has been instrumental in getting the truth about the House of God cult out in our community.


For several weeks now, Freedom Foundation president Mark Duke has been ramping up his attacks on anyone who questions him or his organization. While this is nothing new, the latest attacks are very interesting.

On June 18, the Blackbelt was treated to an incredible radio drama on WBFZ 105.3, which bills itself as "The Heart Mind & Soul of the Blackbelt!" During the Freedom Foundation's "Real Talk Radio" program, its on-air personality, Mark Duke, took on the persona of an old-south redneck known as "Daddy White."

Duke's "Daddy White" appears to be an attempt at mordant humor, supposedly shedding light on the ugly days of the confederacy and the Jim Crow era, but Duke brings it to modern-day by mentioning African-Americans who currently live in Selma, including the mayor, whom he calls a "nice negro" who is confused, scared and dependent on whites.

On June 25, WBFZ's own Franklin Fortier on the show "A Public Conversation" played another "Daddy White" episode. Leading up to the segment, Fortier says it's for WBFZ's listeners' growth and benefit. Mark "Daddy White" Duke went on to call some who attend a particular Selma Church a "handful of darkies," and says that "coloreds" ought to be thankful for lustful white men, because "there wouldn't be any light-skinned coloreds, just plain old darkies." Fortier said that "Daddy White" was "healthy." Really???

Now, back to my original question; where are you Senator Sanders? Do you represent all of the people of Alabama's 23rd district, or just those who kowtow to Duke and Fortier's beliefs and bullying?

Can people in your district freely worship at a Church of their choosing, or do they instantly lose the freedom and dignity guaranteed them and become fair-game for public ridicule as "darkies" because they don't follow what is preached on the public airwaves licensed to WBFZ??

I ask these questions of Senator Hank Sanders, not only because he is the state Senator for the area that WBFZ reaches under a license issued by the FCC, but because he is an owner of Imani Communications, the operator of WBFZ.. In fact, Senator Sander's is listed by the Alabama Secretary of State as the registered agent of WBFZ, and as such bears full responsibility for the content of WBFZ's broadcasts.Senator Sanders, you have a legal, ethical and moral responsibility to the community that you serve; both as a Senator and an FCC licensee. Hopefully, you'll step up and be a leader for all the people, not just a select few.

Allan McConnell
Birmingham, AL