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We do not know whether the plural for Jai Ho is Jai Hoers, but we do know that they are a bunch of lying misfits. And why does the Chicago import, Franklin Fortier, keep talking about the "youths" dancing the Jai Ho? The Jai Hoers pictured in the paper were Amanda Farnsworth, the East Sisters and Rose Sanders. We know that these Jai Hoers are not "youths". Rose is 65 and the others, we would say, are well into their twenties. How can they profess to be Christians and lie to the face of Mayor Evans, tell him they would not dance on the bridge, and then break their word? Oh well, we know that Jai Hoers do not have a very good reputation to begin with, so a little lie isn't going to hurt them! And no one has yet explained how doing the HINDU dance is a Christian witness.

We do not know whether James Perkins, Jr. (ex-mayor) has been called to the ministry or has been called to use the ministry to get re-elected Mayor. Last Sunday, he spoke at the cult's Selma Community Church. We are extremely disappointed that Perkins did this because we had given him the benefit of the doubt about his beliefs about who Jesus is, both God and man, that the church has believed for 2,000 years but which Mark Duke and the Cult deny. Why would the former Mayor align himself with this cult and preach at the cult's church? Someone needs to explain that to us also!

We do not know how many relatives, family members, and associates of Hank Sanders work at Wallace College, but we do know HIS BROTHER is employed there. Someone needs to make a chart of all the people who work at Wallace and how they are almost all related to each other. The College, in many ways, has become an employment agency for many people who could not get jobs elsewhere and who surely couldn't make the salaries they make there-- of course there are a few exceptions, and some honest, hard working people there. Although people think Rose Sanders is the problem here, WE HAVE ALWAYS BELIEVED THAT HANK SANDERS WAS and is the problem. He purposely lets Rose act crazy so he will look good by comparison. HOW HE CAN OWN HATE RADIO 105.3 on the one hand which keeps business out of town and be a part of team Selma to get industry here is beyond our understanding.

While we do not talk about families of public figures, we do say that EZEKIEL PETTWAY should take care of his own family problems, before he starts telling everyone else in Selma how they should live. If a man can not rule his own household well, he doesn't need to be a pastor and telling other families how to act. VOTERS IN VALLEY GRANDE: remember the name Ezekiel Pettway as he will be on the ballot in November as a Democrat running for the Dallas County Board of Education. Ezekiel is much too cozy with the House of God's cult's enforcer, Gwen Brown, to suit us!!

And speaking of being close, we thought Mark Duke and his legal wife, Becky, and one of his spiritual wives, Shawn Samuelson, had moved to Georgia and taken one of Ronald Smith's sons with them. As an aside, we want to know what kind of "pastor" just gives one of his sons away to be raised by a cult leader? Ronald, can you explain that to us? So why does Duke keep coming back to Selma? We are speculating that it is because another one of his spiritual wives, Gwen, is here. And this is the man that Perkins, Leashore, Fortier, Rose, Smith and Pettway are following!!! As J.L. would say. "Lord, help us".