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          We listened to the City Council meeting and believe that Mayor Evans was genuinely surprised when he was informed that the Bond issue was for 14 years, not 12 as he had planned, and that neither the City Attorney nor the Sterne Agee personnel had told him of the change. The extra 2 years of the Bond Issue will cost the city well over $1 million. The insanity here is that the City Attorney, who knew about the change, did not tell the Mayor.

          We have been appalled that Mayor Evans has kept almost all of the Perkins department heads to run the day to day operations of city government. THIS IS POLITICAL INSANITY. These people are his political enemies, they worked against him, most of them gave money to Perkins, and in the next campaign, they will not support Evans. MAYOR, GET RID OF THEM NOW. They are not your friends. Included in this list are City Attorney Jimmy Nunn, Code Enforcement Director Daryl Moore, Personnel Director Val Jones, Finance Director Cynthia Mitchell (appointed by the Council), Community Development Director Charlotte Griffith, Police Chief William Riley, and Fire Chief Henry Allen, who retires September 30. If, after the Bond Issue Election, the Mayor does not clean house and put people in these offices who will help and support, AND NOT EMBARRASS HIM AS HE WAS TUESDAY NIGHT, we suggest the City Council take the appointment powers, which the previous council gave to the Mayor, and remove these department heads.

          It is POLITICAL INSANITY to let the Code Enforcement Department run wild. The list in the Selma Times-Journal of property owners CONTAINS MANY ERRORS - all due to the incompetence of the Code Enforcement Department. How embarrassing for our citizens to see their names in the newspaper and know that it is not their property which has overgrown weeds and grass on it. AND WHY IS THE TIMES JOURNAL GIVEN THIS LIST TO PUBLISH BEFORE PROPERTY OWNERS ARE NOTIFIED? And we believe the STJ bears some of the responsibility for printing erroneous information, even though it is compiled by the city. Perhaps the STJ could at least do a random check of a few of the addresses BEFORE printing the list OR perhaps the City could stop giving them the list until property owners are notified.

          It is POLITICAL INSANITY if voters approve $100,000 in the Bond Issue for Ruthless Crenshaw's unknown plan for the landfill...and what were Councilwomen Newton and Keith thinking about when they supported this? Noone knows what the money is for! WE URGE EVERYONE TO VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION 13 IN THE NEW BOND ISSUE, which is the $100,000 for Ruthless!

          We have been impressed with the actions of Councilmen Bowie and Tucker. They seem to bring some POLITICAL SANITY to the Council meetings. We know it is difficult for Tucker because his wife is extremely sick; yet, evil and mean spirited people like the defeated and disgraced EX-councilman Leashore continue to ridicule and attack Tucker, and Bowie. When people are cruel, like Leashore, to people who have heavy burdens, like Rev. Tucker, those cruel actions have a way of coming back on people like Leashore, THE SORE LOSER!