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Crenshaw's Racism and Hypocrisy Shine Forth

          Two of the major tourism events in Selma are the Bridge Crossing Jubilee and the Battle of Selma. These events bring thousands of visitors and much needed dollars into our city; HOWEVER, this year there was no line item in the City Budget to support the events.

          In the video at the link that follows, Councilman Dr. Cecil Willaimson had asked if the City would support the event financially. Crenshaw had gotten the Council to table consideration of a request to financially support the Jubilee and the Battle, but her racist self could not stop there. She had to slam the Battle of Selma in the process.

          Note, in the video, the LIE she tells that the League of the South is supporting the Battle and needs to be diverse. The truth is that hard working, honest, decent, local citizens who love Selma put the Battle on and the South League (as Venter so eloquently calls it) had NOTHING to do with supporting this event. Crenshaw is a LIAR!

          But even worse, she is a racist HYPOCRITE. On April 14th, in an effort toward UNITY and UNDERSTANDING, the City Council had a Diversity Workshop....Who did not attend the Council Diversity Workshop??? CRENSHAW, LEASHORE, VENTER, AND RANDOLPH!!! What hypocrites they are!

          Look at this short video, hear Crenshaw's lie and see her hypocrisy and then you will know why she is unfit to be in ANY position of leadership in this City.

The Clip