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          What a hypocrite! That was our reaction to Perkins' comments on J.L. Chestnut's radio show. The Chestnut program should be titled, "Campaign to Re-Elect Perkins". We are very disappointed that Chestnut is pandering to and fawning all over Perkins during this election season.

          We think Perkins is being hypocritical in his remarks that people should be as interested in fighting drugs in Selma as they are in complaining about noise in the streets. This is hypocritical BECAUSE IT IS PERKINS AND HIS POLICE CHIEF JIMMY MARTIN WHO ABOLISHED THE DRUG TASK FORCE IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, who permitted crime to get out of control in the City, who decimated the police force and caused many experienced officers to leave the force, and whose actions actually encouraged drug DEALERS to take over Selma's neighborhoods.

          As for the LOUD NOISE that plagues the City, Perkins has tried to dismiss complaints about this by saying it is a "cultural" thing-that African-Americans like loudness. THIS IS AN INSULT AND DEMEANING TO ALL BLACKS IN THIS CITY, WHO ARE TRIED OF PERKINS AND HIS EXCUSES FOR LETTING THUGS AND CRIMINALS BREAK THE LAWS IN SELMA by their loud noise.

          We know Perkins is lying when he says loud noise is a cultural thing. One of the four of us on this website is an African American and she definitely DOES NOT THINK LOUD NOISE OR BREAKING THE LAW is a cultural thing. It is just Perkins' way of excusing himself from enforcing the laws of the City.

          Again, as for people being concerned about drugs as they are about noise, Perkins should take his own advice BECAUSE it took the feds to come in here and clean up the very street where Perkins grew up - St. Phillips. Our opinion is that by hiring Jimmy Martin and letting him wreck the Selma Police Department, including abolishing the drug unit, PERKINS IS THE ONE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DRUG PROBLEM IN THE CITY AND FOR THE LOUD NOISE EVERYWHERE BECAUSE HE WON'T ENFORCE THE LAW! WHAT A HYPOCRITE!