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          Less than 2 years ago, Martin and the SPD reported to the Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center the Selma had 58 certified police officers (51 male - 7 female). Look at the ACJIC website to find this information reported for the year 2005. IN LESS THAN 2 YEARS, Martin and Perkins have caused a decrease of some 20 certified police officers in the SPD as crime has continued to increase across the City.

          One way Martin has tried to decrease crime is by having officers not file reports of robberies, burglaries, and thefts. We have recently posted one such incident on this website. People are robbed. They go to the SPD to get a copy of their report for insurance or other purposes and find THAT NO POLICE REPORT HAS BEEN FILED. If this has happened to you, PLEASE let us know. We are compiling a list of these incidents to give to state and federal officials who look into such matters. Your name will be kept confidential.

          Two years ago, the SPD had 58 certified officers. Today it has 38-40. See the list which follows this article. If changes need to be made to this list, please let us know. DO YOU REALIZE THAT MORE THAN 45 PEOPLE HAVE LEFT THE SPD SINCE JIMMY MARTIN BECAME CHIEF. Many of them simply refused to work for a functionally illiterate Police Chief and an interfering Mayor!

          The City Budgets for 58 certified officers. What happens to the money not used to pay police officers? The mayor uses it for his pet projects for which he failed to budget. In the past 6 months, money from police salaries has been spent as follows:

1. $48,000 to pay for an evaluation of the Police Department. This study was due August 15th, but has not been received. Why?
2. $10,000 to Public Works to cover their over expenditure in their vehicle repairs line item.
3. $55,000 to make the first payment on 8 new police cars.

          Councilmen Cain and Williamson have tried repeatedly to get the Mayor and His City Council to use some of the money budgeted for 58 officers to give increases to the remaining 38-40 officers, but the Mayor and His City Council have refused to do so.

          Will we be getting new Captains and Lieutenants in the SPD? NOT ANY TIME SOON! The Mayor has cancelled the examinations. He says until we get a real Police Chief, but who knows when that will be. The Mayor's decision came AFTER IT WAS REVEALED that the Mayor and Valeria Jones were going to let Chief Martin take the Lieutenants exam EVEN THOUGH ONLY SERGEANTS ARE SUPPOSED TO TAKE THE LIEUTENANTS EXAM.

          A major problem with this is that Valeria Jones' friend, who makes the exam, usually lets Chief Martin have a general overview of each exam given in the Police Department. When all of this came to light and legal action was threatened, the Mayor CANCELLED ALL EXAMS. WE HAVE ALL THE DOCUMENTATION ON THIS AND WILL POST IT WITHIN THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS.

          If you want to know how to wreck and ruin a police department, look at what Martin and Perkins have done to the SPD in the last 2 years. Perkins and Martin should be removed from office for this travesty which has left the City at the mercy of criminals!!