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          When Gwen Brown got in bed (politically speaking, of course) with James Perkins, Jr., Johnnie Leashore, Bennie Ruth Crenshaw and Sam Randolph, she sealed her political fate. She should have realized that she has aligned herself with a group of losers in the eyes of Selma voters. We trust that on Tuesday, July 5, the good people of Ward 3 will go to the polls and NOT vote for this Colorado carpetbagger cult leader who has come to town with her cult and caused all manner of strife, hate and division in the community. Is there anyone in Selma who will say that there is not more hate in this community than there was 5 years ago before Mark Duke and Gwen Brown and the other Jesus denying cult members moved to our once lovely city.

          We would be appalled if more than a handful of people believed anything the lying loser Johnnie Leashore says. Is there a more evil and hate filled person in Selma than Leashore? He continues to bemoan the fact that the City Council called an election rather than using the money to hire more youths to work in the summer. SINCE HE TALKS SO MUCH ABOUT THE CITY HIRING YOUTHS TO WORK IN THE SUMMER, WE THOUGHT WE WOULD PUT HIS SORRY RECORD IN THAT RESPECT OUT FOR THE PUBLIC TO SEE. In the Summer of 2005 when LEASHORE was on the Council and Perkins was Mayor, ONLY 20 YOUNG PEOPLE WERE HIRED. In the Summer of 2009 with Evans as Mayor and Williamson on the Council, 52 youths were hired.

          In the summer of 2006 with Leashore on the Council and Perkins as Mayor, 89 youths were hired, BUT in 2011 with Evans as Mayor and Williamson on the Council 114 youths were hired. Once again, THE TRUTH SHOWS WHAT A LIAR LEASHORE IS.

          In a similar vein, members of the Freedom Foundation apparently do not believe that “hell is hot” because even after we exposed their illegal absentee voting in our last post, they continued to commit absentee voting fraud. On June 24, MEREDITH DUKE BRAGG, Mark’s daughter, who left Selma more than a year ago, listing her address as 606 Tremont Street applied for and was mailed an absentee ballot. On June 24, the Preacher himself, RONALD SMITH, SAYING HE LIVES AT 614 Alabama Avenue And would be out of town on election day voted absentee. If you see Ronald in town on July 5, please take a picture of him, so he can be turned in to the D.A. for voter fraud and perjury.

          On June 27, cult member Barak Gibson of 520 Tremont Street took advantage of the absentee Process as did his wife Cynthia Gibson. They are both suppose to be out of town on July 5. Joining them was Roberta Jane McGowan or 309 Church Street . On June 28, Freedom Foundation members AMANDA FARNSWORTH of 609 Tremont, Lee Farnsworth of 423 Mabry and Promise Fransworth of 309 Church all took advantage of the absentee process as did Jayce Ann McGowan of 609 Tremont Street .

          Finally, on June 29, our own Selma policeman Cody Clark indicated that he would be out of town on July 5 and voted absentee as did Jessica Clark of 423 Mabry Street. This totals about 35 questionable votes for Gwen Brown through the misuse of the absentee process by people WHO DO NOT LIVE IN SELMA or who are willingly to swear in writing that they will be out of Selma on July 5. WHAT A BUNCH OF FRAUDS THESE CULT MEMBERS ARE. We hope that Dr. Williamson will follow through on his announcement to ask the District Attorney and Attorney General to investigate the illegal absentee voting . This fraud needs to be stopped before the city wide campaigns begin next year.