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In February, the Tax and License Division of the City of Selma Finance Department misplaced many checks which citizens had sent in to pay their garbage fees. THESE CHECKS WERE NOT FOUND UNTIL EIGHT MONTHS LATER, AROUND OCTOBER 1. Does anyone wonder why the City has some $650,000 in uncollected Garbage Fees?

Now the Finance Department, run by Cynthia Mitchell at $52,000 a year, is sending out letters telling citizens of this incompetence and asking if citizens' checks can now be run through the bank... SEE THE FORM LETTER, WHICH FOLLOWS, SENT TO A SELMA CITIZEN...

The amazing thing about this is that the citizen's garbage account was cradited as paid though his check was never deposited by the City. NO WONDER THE AUDITORS SLAMMED THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT'S SLOPPY BOOKKEEPING...

We DO NOT believe these people who work in City Hall are dishonest.. it is just that Mayor Perkins has surrounded himself WITH INCOMPETENT overpaid people who do not know what they are doing - AND HE WON'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT - DOES ANYBODY REALLY KNOW WHAT THE CITY'S FINANCIAL CONDITION IS???