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A Bunch of Garbage

A source in Public Works has informed this website that they are collecting garbage in the backloading truck for an indefinite period of time. This source said that the new truck, the side loader, that cost the taxpayers over $100,000 in the new reengineering of the garbage pickup service, has a broken hydraulic line and the city has not furnished the funding to repair it. In a City Council meeting in the middle of 2005 when the mayor was attempting to initiate this program he stated that under the lease program, all repairs would be made by the company and that all the city had to do was change oil and replace tires. It appears that the contract has changed. In the first Council meeting in July funds were taken from one line item and given to the Public Works line of money available for repairs.

Where is this money going? The public safety cars are in need of major repairs, many times only 4 cars are available per shift. The new garbage truck is awaiting the money for repairs. These problems cannot be an oversight. They are, like many of the other problems in Selma, pushed to the back burner of importance because they are not involved in the social programs that are costing the taxpayers to the point of financial instability.

When and where does it stop? Only the citizens of Selma can answer that question.