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          Following are 4 pages from the 2007 FORM 990 for the Freedom Foundation. These tax exempt organizations are required to file this Form with the IRS. The Foundation raked in a staggering $162,527 last year from the public and had assets of almost $285,000. It is no wonder that a number of people associated with the Freedom Foundation DO NOT HAVE TO WORK. For its first year in Selma, the Foundation has proved that it is a money magnet.

          It is interesting that the Foundation says it spends only $16,185 for radio time for its Radio Free Selma broadcasts on WHBB and WBTZ. The air time the Dukester uses to propagandize in Selma is worth much, much more more than what the Foundation says they paid. Perhaps someone should ask the radio stations if they are donating the time for the views of the new prophet come to Selma to tell us how sorry, wicked, and sinful we are and how they have come from afar to rescue us from ourselves.


"Breaking News or Rumor?" : That a cult will soon buy the old First Christian Church Building on Selma Avenue...If someone can confirm that, please let us know.

          Following are the 4 pages from the Freedom Foundation's 2007 filing with the IRS. Note the change of address from Parker, Colorado, to Selma, Alabama.