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          As he often was on the Council before his friends and neighbors in Ward 6 summarily booted him out of office, EX-COUNCILMAN Johnnie Leashore was wrong again about what the Court would do about putting Dr. Allen on the Water Board. In a complete victory for Dr. Allen AND A REPUTIATION OF LEASHORE, CRENSHAW AND THEIR CRONIES, the Judge dissloved the injunction preventing Randolph and Allen from serving on the Board and PUT DR. ALLEN ON THE BOARD EFFECTIVE JANUARY 13.

          Leashore had pontificated on hate radio 105.3 that the Court wold never put Allen on the Water Board. He knows about as much about the law as he does the voters in Ward 6 who kicked him out of office last November. This after he brazenly said more than once from his council seat that he knew he was going to be re-elected.

          WE WANT TO KNOW WHEN LEASHORE IS GOING TO REPAY THE $44,000.00 HE STOLE FROM THE WATER BOARD THROUGH A SALARY WHICH THE STATE EXAMINERS SAID WAS AN OVERPAYMENT? Come on EX-Councilman, do the right thing and refund the taxpayers money you took while on the Water Board. THANKFULLY, THE EX-COUNCILMAN is no longer on the Water Board.

          With Dr. Allen on the Board, we hope to see Collins Pettaway, Jr removed as the Board's attorney. Of course, APRIL ENGLAND ALBRIGHT has made numerous trips from Atlanta, including one last Tuesday at the taxpayer's expense, to try to keep Dr. Allen off the Water Board. We would like an accounting of all the money Perkins brother in law and Ms. Albright were paid while they were Board Attorneys. With Leashore and Pettaway gone, perhaps the Board can quit raising water rates and do what the Board is suppose to be doing.

          We sure look forward to the EX-Councilman Leashore's comments on hate radio about his wrong prediction and the complete victory of Dr. Allen, who now is on the Water Board.