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          Sales Tax revenue are decreasing at an alarming rate, unemployment is rising, TrustBuild (a social election machine) is blundering the General Fund with over $350,000 in expenses each year, more City employees than ever before providing less services, high and increasing crime because the SPD has been gutted of the money it was allocated to pay police officers and improve the SPD's internal operations, the City Treasurer can't find $5,000 promised to the the narcotics division, missing money in the police department, there is no end to the money woes in this city. Many City employees at or below poverty level while Perkins hires his friends to fill jobs he created at taxpayer expense and gives them twice the pay the position would normally allow.

          His latest example of throwing money, not his money mind you, out the window is Glenda Deese.

(1) Contracts retired state trooper to assist in transition from one Chief of Police to another at $50 an hour, 15 hours per week, $750 per week...good pay don't you think?

(2) Allows Martin to take 30 days vacation DURING the transition period. After the mess Martin has made it's probably better he's not involved but, in order to enhance Deese's financial posture with taxpayer money (after all, what are friends for), he extends her contract and increases her hours.

(3) Hours increased to 20 per week and remains at $50 an hour. At that amount of pay and hours she takes taxpayer money at the rate of $1,000 each week for one half a week's work. At $1,000 for 20 hours, she would make $104,000 a year if she was full time.

          Does anyone else see a trend of money mismanagement, inability to manage workers, and special favors Perkins repays with taxpayer money? He has had this behavior since his first day in office. It is turning around on him now because he has promised too much. Taxpayer money can only stretch so far. The City is stretched to its financial limit; yet, decisions by this paranoid micro-manager are putting this City FURTHER in debt!

          When the money runs out, who will he blame? Certainly not himself!