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          Each month, the City's finances appear to go further "south" and hardly anyone asks a question except Williamson and Cain. Below is the report of the monthly sales tax receipts for this fiscal year compared to the last fiscal year.

          NOTE: Sales Tax receipts are DOWN $303,966.50 in the first 8 MONTHS of this fiscal year compared to FY 2006 which ended September 30, 2006. In every month this fiscal year except February, CITY SALES TAX REVENUES HAVE DECLINED including a decline of $159,608.26 in November.

          NOTE: Lodging Tax receipts are DOWN $34,566.35 in the first 8 MONTHS of this fiscal year compared to the last fiscal year. Except for April, Lodging Taxes have declined EVERY MONTH THIS YEAR.

          What this means is that businesses are taking in less money in the City of Selma this year and fewer people are staying overnight in Selma this fiscal year. It appears to us that the Sales and Lodging Tax revenues will decline at least $500,000 BY THE END OF SEPTEMBER!

          Yet, hardly a member of the Selma City Council asks a question about decreased revenues and the Council continues to spend and spend. We do not expect any of the Crenshaw Block (Crenshaw, Leashore, Randolph, and Venter) to ever ask a question of their "Master", Mayor Perkins, but we DO expect Evans, Allen, and Martin to at LEAST raise a red flag about this deficit spending.

          Following are the City's own report of SALES TAX and LODGING TAX revenue for the first 8 months of this fiscal year: