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This website is concerned about Mayor Perkins, Chief Martin and Mrs Crenshaw (including her voting block) being against a curfew for this city. A source in city government stated that the curfew had been passed around for over three years. The mayor and councilperson in each ward appointed one person to serve on the Crime Task Force Committee. This committee recommended a curfew three times, once after it was put on first reading by Mrs Crenshaw for a vote the next council meeting. She said she had not had time to read what she had put on first reading so it was removed from the agenda. This source also said that it was for more leniency.

This website has been told that the curfew is nothing but a program with no punishment for violators. This source stated that Perkins and Crenshaw, including her block, will lose votes because many parents will take exception to someone supervising their children. This curfew, according to the source, is a big joke and the crime in this city is only a concern to the citizens, not the leadership. The headlines in the newspaper about a group of burglars as young as 11 years old should convince the council to take this curfew seriously, pass it, and insure it has fitting punishment for violators. This source said it was doubtful the curfew would ever be adopted as long as the council is composed of certain people. They take orders from the mayor and his wishes are carried out by his block. This source said that the Crime Task Force Committee was just a vent for the frustration people were experiencing by high crime. They are being used as whipping dogs to isolate the mayor and council from community reality. This website is hopeful a curfew with adequate punishment for violators will pass but the source is not optimistic.