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          In his blindness to reality, Mayor Perkins' stupidity in keeping Jimmy Martin as Police Chief has RESULTED IN A CRIME SPREE IN SELMA THIS WEEK AND MORE POLICE OFFICERS QUITTING. On Monday night, the Laundromat on North Broad Street, the Chevron Station on Citizens Parkway and the BP Station on Citizens Parkway were broken into. We understand money was only taken from the Laundromat and the windows were broken out at the service stations.

          Wednesday afternoon, in broad daylight, a lone gunman robbed the office of the Woodrow East Subdivision. We are told that only the entrance of a tenant to pay her rent while the robbery was in progress kept the gunman from shooting the office manager. We are also told that some $1000 in cash was taken in the robbery.

          Also, Wednesday night, a car at a business on Citizens Parkway was broken into. More than $1000 in damages was done to the car as the thieves only took a pair of sunglasses.

          This crime spree follows last weeks shootings-we think with a pellet gun-windows out of houses and cars on Lauderdale Street, Old Orrville Road, and Castlewood. At least 6 homes and/or vehicles were shot.

          MEANWHILE, WHILE PERKINS LEAVES MARTIN AS CHIEF, POLICE OFFICERS ARE QUITTING IN DROVES. Officer Barnhill has turned in his resignation effective August 10. If the Times-Journal article of July 19 was correct which reported only 41 certified officers on the force, WE NOW HAVE LESS THAN 40. In another idiotic move, Lt. Susan Smith was put on PAID LEAVE. We hear that at least 2 more officers are in the process of quitting the force.

          PEOPLE OF SELMA: Perkins and Martin are leaving this city PRACTICALLY UNPROTECTED. Apparently the well being of thugs, criminals and robbers are more important to Perkins than the good people of this city. It is past time for MARTIN AND PERKINS TO BE REMOVED from any positions of authority BECAUSE THEY HAVE FAILED IN THEIR DUTY TO PROTECT THE CITIZENS AND PROPERTY OF SELMA.