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          City Hall staffers are calling our city department heads to donate money to buy Mayor Perkins a Christmas gift. First, we ask if the Mayor needs a Christmas gift. His salary as Mayor is $70,000 a year PLUS almost $15,000 the taxpayers pay in benefits for him. Additionally, he has another $15,000 as a travel budget PLUS another $8,400 as a vehicle allowance. He is getting about $110,000 a year as Mayor in salary and benefits. He is also paid $25,000 a year as Water Board Superintendent. Because Leashore and Crenshaw have the Water Board finances so screwed up, no one knows how much more Perkins gets from the Water Board. Our estimate is that Perkins is costing Selma taxpayers in the range of $140,000-$150,000 a year as Mayor and Water Board Superintendent. But, what the heck, this is Christmas and even a guy taking $150,000 from taxpayers deserves a Christmas present.

          Secondly, can the city department heads afford to give money for the Mayor's Christmas gift. We take a look at their salaries, listed below, and ADD another 15% to the figures given for benefits for each department head paid by Selma taxpayers.

City Attorney Jimmy Nunn -                                                       $69,272
Planning and Development Director Charlotte Griffith -           $60,000
Information Technology Director -                                             $55,000
City Treasurer Cynthia Mitchell -                                               $52,000
Police Chief Jimmy Martin -                                                       $50,000
TrustBuild Director Sherri James -                                               $48,200
Recreation Director Elton Reese -                                               $49,300
Personnel Director Valeria Jones -                                               $48,000
Public Works Director Henry Hicks -                                         $45,600
Fire Chief Henry Allen -                                                             $45,600
City Clerk Lois Williams -                                                           $42,000
City Tax Collector Roosevelt Goolsby -                                     $41,200
Cemetery Superintendent Willie Peoples -                                 $40,500
Public Buildings Facilitator Kay Jones -                                     $38,000

          Looking at these high salaries and adding 15% to them, we believe these department heads can afford to give some cash for the Mayor's Christmas gift.

          Third, having determined that even a $150,000 a year Mayor deserves a Christmas gift and that the overpaid city department heads can afford to buy that gift, let us suggest some gifts for the Mayor.

          (1) A large bottle of Humility so that he remembers he is a man and not a King or Dictator who must always have his way.
          (2) A gift wrapped basket of a Change of Attitude so that he doesn't treat those who disagree with him like dirt.
          (3) A package of Vision so he can see that crime is the number 1 problem in Selma and he has caused much of it by his inattention to crime
              and criminals while engaging in Social Engineering.
          (4) A gift of a Sweet Sister to replace his mean spirited "We know where you live Randy and we WILL burn your house down" sister.
          (5) A New Heart which leads his lady friends like Tammy Maul and Sherri James to understand that they can not bully people into doing
              what this mean spirited duo wants.

          If the city department heads will buy Mayor Perkins some Humility, A Change of Attitude, Vision, A Sweet Sister, and a New Heart, we'll even pitch in a few dollars to help get these gifts for him.