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Freedom Foundation member and pastor of the Selma Community Church cult is no longer employed at Winn-Dixie on Highland Avenue. FOLLOWING A SEXUAL HARASSMENT COMPLAINT FILED AGAINST SMITH BY A FELLOW EMPLOYEE, Smith is not with Winn-Dixie. We are told that the store has a strict policy against sexual harassment and apparently does not take such complaints lightly, which brings us to Smith's personal history and causes us to wonder how he can be the pastor of a church.

It is well known that Ronald Smith robbed the SouthTrust Bank in Orrville where his own pastor was working, was convicted and served time in jail for robbery. He later left his job at the youth camp under questionable circumstances. Then he came in contact with MARK DUKE AND THE FREEDOM FOUNDATION. We suppose he was annointed by Duke to be the pastor of the cult church on Selma Avenue where the Freedom Foundation members attend. We have to wonder what they think of their pastor now that he is no longer working at Winn-Dixie after the sexual harassment complaint was filed against him. Meanwhile, GWEN BROWN, Zeke Pettway and Ronald continue to tell everyone else in Selma how wicked we are and how to live our own lives. What a bunch of hypocrites!!

WANDA MCCALL: Principal of Selma High and BOARD MEMBER OF THE FREEDOM FOUNDATION has convinced the School Board to give her $7,000.00 to take SEVENTY-THREE (73) faculty and staff to Montgomery for an overnight retreat. We see this as a waste of money. The retreat could have been held here, if one was necessary to create unity and a new "culture" at Selma High. If there are problems there with faculty and staff, they ultimately have to be laid at the feet of the Principal. We are distressed that Ms. McCall as well as TONYA MILES, Principal at B.K. Craig, and JOSEPH PETTWAY, Principal at Keith, are all listed as BOARD MEMBERS OF THE FREEDOM FOUNDATION. We know FFers teach in our schools including Cynthia Gibson at Keith.

We do not think Ms. McCall and the Board should have spent this money. Superintendent Jefferson can not pay for the new Selma High School and run the school system on monies available. WE PREDICT THAT JEFFERSON AND HENRY HICKS WILL BE BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL NEXT YEAR ASKING FOR A TAX INCREASE.

GWEN BROWN, FF Leader and Enforcer for Mark Duke in Selma, continues to criticize the leadership in Selma while promoting the candidacy of ex-mayor James Perkins, Jr. We are extremely disappointed in Mayor Perkins, who tends to wear his Christianity on his sleeve, for his wholehearted support of this cult which denies a very basic tenet of Christianity- that Jesus is God. For centuries the church has confessed God the Father, God the Son, who is Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit, but the cult which troubles the city rejects the Holy Trinity; yet, Mr. Perkins embraces the cult. Something is wrong with that picture.

We believe that Selma is making progress under the leadership of Mayor Evans, Council President Dr. Williamson, the members of the BBT (Benjamin, Bowie and Tucker) who are constantly vilified on HATE RADIO 105.3, Councilman Atchison, and Councilman Keith. We commend the Mayor and these Council Members for working to make Selma the best it can be.