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After Mondays meeting of the Selma City Council, we are relieved to know that the 3 Ring Circus still lives. We share our thoughts on the Ringmasters James Perkins JR, Jimmy Martin, and Ring Mistress Jean Martin.

With whip in hand, in the center ring of this Circus, Ringmaster Perkins puts the animals through their obedience drills. When he cracked his whip and said jump, the animals responded exactly as he wished. We noticed that he has a couple of rebellious creatures in the Center Ring named Williamson and Cain and that he decided to teach them a lesson by trying to publicly humiliate them in front of a full house of spectators under the Big Top. The Ringmaster waved a phony resolution praising Ringmaster Martin, condemning the disobedient Williamson and Cain and asked if any of the boot lickers in the Center Ring would like to try to read it. Like a latter day Pharisee, Leashore quickly volunteered to help his master, the Ringmaster Perkins.

As we listened via radio to this circus and charade, we thought how contradictory that we have a Ringmaster whose favorite expression is to God be the glory, but whose favorite action is having never met a liquor license he did not like and putting alcohol refreshment stands all around the Big Top. This site wonders if God might one day topple the Big Top down on Ringmaster Perkins and his obedient creatures in the Center Ring of the Selma Circus.

In the Left Circle of the Big Top was Ringmaster Jimmy Martin, who moonlights impersonating a Police chief. This website has learned from a number of boys and girls who were told to come to the Circus by Ringmaster Martin that Martin told some of them that they would be publicly recognized if they came to the Circus and that he told others that the animals might rebel and ask him to resign his job impersonating a Police Chief and that he needed them to come support him in the Circus Monday night.

A number of good boys and girls came to the Circus, under false pretenses, having been lied to by Ringmaster Martin. They were not recognized though this website and especially Cain expressed thanks to them for doing a great job under difficult circumstances. Having to work for a Ringmaster who can hardly read or write (maybe this is why he hasn't responded..wonder what the mayor's reason is) and surely can not command is difficult. Of course, the boys and girls were lied to by the Ringmaster about his job because he does not work for the animals, but is solely answerable to and responsible to the main Ringmaster Perkins!

In the 3rd Ring of the River City Circus was Ringmistress Jean Martin, whose conduct Monday night during the condemnation of Williamson and Cain was more dispicable than that of Perkins and Jimmy Martin. As the latter day Pharisee, Leashore, stood to read Ringmaster Perkins praise of Ringmaster Martin and condemnation of Williamson and Cain, the Ringmistress asked all the animals to stand in support of what Leashore was reading.

Surrounded by what looked like a Gestapo Tribunal passing judgement on lesser beings, Williamson and Cain managed to keep a straight face as the charade was played out as planned beforehand at a meeting at Ringmaster Perkins office and dutifully attended by the Ringmistress earlier Monday afternoon. After listening to Leashore and seeing the glee in the eyes of his fellow henchmen, we are surprised that the Ringmistress did not lead the whole Circus on a parade to the highest sour apple tree and hang Williamson and Cain by their thumbs with a wire rope. It is obvious to us that the Ringmistress, by her despicable actions, has burned some bridges that are not going to be repaired.

Our final thought is that the Selma City government and the Selma City Council are a THREE RING CIRCUS. One thing certain about this Selma City Council Circus is this - THERE IS NO SHORTAGE OF CLOWNS!!!