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          Following is a list of all the checks written from the City's General Fund during November of 2007. THIS IS PUBLIC INFORMATION. We are tired of Perkins trying to hide not only from the Public and Press, but also from the City Council.

          SOME ITEMS ARE UNDERLINED. Note the $5,000 payments to Beauty Benjamin and Henry E. Allen. These are two more rip-offs of Selma taxpayers to fund house payments for Perkins' flunkies. Benjamin is one of the original police officers assigned to TrustBuild to chauffer Perkins' campaign workers around Selma. Note who has received $5,000 for house payments so far AND WHAT EACH HAS IN COMMON: Muhammad, Tubbs, and now Benjamin. What they have in common is that they are all puppets of Martin and Perkins!

          And WHY would the City give Henry E. Allen $5,000? ISN'T THAT OUR FIRE CHIEF or is there another Henry Allen on the City payroll? The Fire Chief makes over $50,000 a year in salary and benefits! Does he need another $5,000 from Selma taxpayers?

          Note the large check written to Coley Chestnut, who is married to Perkins' first cousin. Each month, money is given to Chestnut by the City for his social programs. We are told this money comes from the State of Alabama.

          WE have underlined a few more checks you might find interesting.