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This website has been swamped by support for Judge Chittom. The general consensus is that she had every reason to take action against Rose Sanders.

This website has found 2 interesting points for everyone to ponder.

1. Mr. Roosevelt Cleveland is on parole and as part of his parole agreement he was to refrain from ANY negative involvement with Police Officers and not to conduct himself in a manner as to violate his parole.

2. Rose Sanders was NOT his attorney. She was there representing another client and interjected herself into the court preceedings.

Below you will find a letter written to stir the public up concerning one person's opinion. The author of this WAS NOT in the courtroom. Mr. Fontier is only telling his mother-in-law's side of this story.

On a day of rememberance for a peaceful and modest man, you can depend on one of these "groups" to find something to put themselves in the spotlight.

These people would not make a decent sneeze from Dr Martin Luther King Jr's nose!