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          We begin today with Dallas County Registrar and sister of Mayor Perkins, Synethia "Baby Sister" Perkins Pettaway, who has just voted absentee. We do not know why she voted absentee since she is only a block from her polling place.

          Synethia has a long history of VOTING ILLEGALLY IN CITY ELECTIONS. For example, before she and her husband moved to Selma, they lived in Dallas County at 241 County Road 827. Living outside the city limits of Selma, legally they were supposed to vote in the County. We commend Attorney Collins Pettaway, Baby Sister's husband, because when he lived in the county, he voted in the county, BUT NOT SYNETHIA. She listed her father's address at 1820 St. Phillips Street as her residence SO SHE COULD VOTE IN THE CITY.

          This was morally and legally wrong, but it did not stop her from voting in the city for her brother for Mayor. Then, she, who did not vote where she was supposed to and used a fake address so she could vote in the city, was appointed to the Board of Registrars. Remember the name of Agriculture Commissioner RON SPARKS because he is the one who appointed her and who is responsible for her being on the Board of Registrars.

          We are concerned about the large number of Absentee Ballots being applied for and cast. As of today, almost 500 people had already applied to vote absentee. How many hundreds more will apply in the next 9 days that absentee voting is permitted? This is an outrage! We are going to print the names of everyone who has applied. IF YOU KNOW PEOPLE WHO DO NOT LIVE AT THE ADDRESSES LISTED, PLEASE EMAIL US AND LET US KNOW.

          The incompetence in the City Clerk's office continues daily. We heard Councilman Williamson point out at the City Council meeting how, on Friday August 8, Mary Baskin and John Baskin, who both listed their address as 1904 Kelley St (Ward 6) were sent different ballots. One received a ballot for Ward 6 and one received a ballot for Ward 1. Also, we heard that there were 107 applications for ballots last Friday alone, which means we are heading toward having more absentee ballots than Perry or Hale counties! Day after day, complaints are being filed with the Secretary of State and the Attorney-General about irregularities in the absentee process.

          Finally, despite a state law which forbids city employees and relatives of candidates from serving as POLL WORKERS, Bennie Ruth Crenshaw and Sam Randolph disregarded the law and appointed one of Mayor Perkins' cousins to work in Ward 7 and Crenshaw's sister to work in Randolph's Ward. We will not use the term "boy" to describe Randolph's relationship to Crenshaw because we do not want to offend anyone, but Randolph is definitely a pawn for Crenshaw. So she has her sister working the polls in Randolph's Ward to help him get re-elected. This is clearly illegal and has been reported to the Secretary of State and the Attorney-General.

          City Clerk Lois Williams, take Ms. Crenshaw's sister, Lula Mae Johnson, off the poll workers list in Ward 5 at Rangedale and take Mayor Perkins' cousin, Regina Woodson, off the poll workers list in Ward 7 at West Trinity. By leaving these relatives on as poll workers and with all that is happening with the enormous number of absentee votes, you are setting this election up to be challenged.

          There is nothing Perkins and his supporters won't do. Be vigilant!