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          With the election of Corey Bowie as Council President and the re-election of B. L. Tucker as Ward 6 Councilman on October 9, the City of Selma dodged a bullet of inexperience with Tremaine Gordon and hate with Johnnie Leashore. We had supported Bowie for Council President because he had been on the council and had experience presiding during the illnesses of Council President, Dr. Cecil Williamson. We supported Tucker because he is a good man and a hard worker in his ward and because his opponent, Johnnie Leashore, is one of the most evil and hateful people in Selma. Thankfully the good people of Selma, black and white, and especially in Ward 6, joined together to deliver the City from 4 years of controversy, confusion and chaos on the City Council.

          The big loser in the October 9 city run-off was HATE RADIO 105.3. For four years, they have permitted and encouraged Leashore to tell every lie imaginable, speak every falsehood and spread every prevarication about Mayor Evans, Williamson, Benjamin, Bowie and especially Tucker in Leashore’s now futile effort to get back on the City Council. Fortunately, the voters of Ward 6 did not forget how mean spirited Leashore and his willing allies on HATE 105.3 had been in using every lie to try to destroy the good names and reputations of city officials. WHAT A DISGRACE LEASHORE AND HIS FRIENDS ON HATE ARE!

          We THANK everyone who on October 9 helped elect Bowie and Tucker and who delivered our city from the haters and dividers!

          Our final words about this election cycle is that we are pleased that the efforts of ROSE AND HANK Sanders, Little Rose and Franklin 23% Fortier, Leashore, Lydia Chatmon and Ezekiel Pettway AND HATE RADIO 105.3 to destroy Benjamin, Bowie and Tucker because those 3 had voted for Dr. Williamson to be President Pro-Tem of the Council were totally unsuccessful. Rose repeatedly and unmercifully berated those 3 for voting for Williamson and tried every way possible to defeat them at the polls. Her mean spirited and hateful tactics did not work AND ALL 3 WERE RE-ELECTED. It is obvious to us that most people in Selma and especially most blacks in Selma do not support Sanders and her hateful antics. QUITE FRANKLY, WE DO NOT KNOW WHY ANYONE SHOULD BE AFRAID OF HER BULLYING.

          In closing this chapter on the election, we offer heartfelt thanks to Dr. Cecil Williamson for his service as President of the Selma City Council. He and the members of the Council have restored a sense of decorum and dignity to the council meetings and have done nothing to harm the image of the City. This is in stark contrast to some previous 4 year terms of the Council. We admire the way he has not reviled the few disrupted, self-promoting and loud mouth citizens like Rose and her ilk who have constantly attacked and reviled him. We personally know that he had some experiences in his early twenties in far away places which prepared him to face adversities and adversaries such as the Sanders and Hate and remain calm in the face of incessant attacks. We think the most despicable thing said about him on HATE was the baseless insinuation that he was the President of the White Citizens Council in 1965 and somehow responsible for the death of Viola Liuzzo. JOHNNIE LEASHORE ACTUALY SAID THAT ON HATE. WE HEARD IT. Just for the record as we close the book on this term, Williamson was never in the WCC, was in school at Columbia in March, 1965, hundreds of miles from Selma during the time Liuzzo was killed, and has said Selma was not even on his mind in March, 1965. THANK YOU DR. WILLIAMSON FOR YOUR SERVICE TO THIS CITY!

          We see that the City has had two claims and one federal law suit filed against by the company which had a legal contract to do work at the Confederate Circle in Live Oak cemetery. The claims are against the City and Police Chief Riley in his capacity as Chief. What in the world possessed Riley to go to the cemetery on August 28 and tell the contractor that unless he stopped work he would be arrested? As far as we know, Riley had not been told by the Council to do that. Mayor Evans said at the council meeting that he did not tell Riley to do that. Instead of telling Rose and her motley mob of malcontents if they didn’t stop interfering with a job site they would be arrested, Riley, without any apparent authority, told the contractor, who had every legal right to work, to stop work or be arrested. If this high handed and illegal action by the Police Chief does not cost the city some money, we will be surprised.

          The other part of the claims and suit pertain to the action of 4 members of the City Council voting to suspend the building permit, an action never taken before by a City Council in our memory, without giving the contractor a hearing. It was simply bad judgment on the part of those 4. We believe they were bullied by Rose and her loud mouth followers into taking this action, which will probably cost the city.

          AGAIN, we want everyone to go by Confederate Circle and see for yourself that it was NOT work on the Forrest monument which the anarchists stopped, but work to MAKE THE CONFEDERATE MONUMENT HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE. Hank and Rose have yet to explain why they oppose making anything handicap accessible or what they have against people with special needs. How long is the City going to leave the two enormous holes, where concrete was going to be poured, around the Confederate monument? It is only a matter of time until someone falls in them and then the City will have another suit on its hands. Unprecedented actions such as suspending a building permit without giving a contractor his due process rights have unintended consequences such as leaving enormous holes for people to fall in!

          Regardless of who owns the Circle, this work around the CONFEDERATE MONUMENT must be finished SOONER RATHER THANK LATER. Mayor Evans, get those holes filled up!


          And we can not leave without a parting word about the ALL LIES (masquerading as True Selma) Program on Hate 105.3 with Lydia Chatmon and Ezekiel Pittway (who lost a lucrative contract to clean the water works building when Mayor Perkins lost in 2008). Recently they told the enormous lie that Cecil Williamson was suing himself. The truth-which Chatmon and Pettway never state-is that it is a Virginia company KTK which is suing the City and Chief Riley. As far as we know, Williamson has nothing to do with the ownership or management of this company! Of course, ALL LIES would rather climb a tree and tell another lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth. HOW MUCH LONGER ARE THE SANDERS AND FORTIERS GOING TO ENGAGE IN THIS KIND OF DESPICABLE PROGRAMMING ON HATE RADIO 105.3?


GOOD NEWS: We commend the Mayor and City Council for keeping the city solvent during the past 4 years. The year end report showed that the Sales Tax increased $63K for the fiscal year ending September 30 over the previous fiscal year and that the Lodging Tax increased $22K this year over last. This indicates that business is slightly improving and tourism, shut downs and visitors are continuing to come to the city.

AMERICAN APPAREL: We are distressed at the news that AA will lose hundreds of jobs due to a decision by the United States government to award a contract for Army coats to an Alaskan company. HOW IRONIC THAT AS MANY AS 250 African-Americans in Selma and Dallas County will lose their jobs as a result of the United States government pandering to so called “minority” owned businesses. The Alaskan company is getting the contract, not because they make a better product (in fact it will be made in Puerto Rico at a place which HAS NEVER made the coats before) or because they do a better work. They are getting the contract because they are a so-called “minority” company which the United States government panders to. THE MINORITY IN QUESTION IS THAT THEY ARE ALASKAN NATIVES WHO SUPPOSEDLY OWN THE COMPANY, AND ALASKAN NATIVES ARE CONSIDERED A MINORITY BY OUR GOVERNMENT! What anyone with walking around sense knows is that most “minority” owned companies are actually financed by white men. They find a minority such as a woman, an African-American, an American Indian, or a native Alaskan, make them an incorporator or a director and small investor in the company and then they are awarded government contracts solely because they are a “minority” company. These “minority” owned companies get preference not because they do better work or because their price is less, but solely because they are “minority” owned. What a farce and now this discriminatory policy HAS COME BACK TO HURT AFRICAN-AMERICANS IN OUR COMMUNITY! Maybe one day we will move away from these racial based policies and award contracts on the basis of who does the best work at the best price!