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          This website has been informed of another break-in/looting in our City.

          Calhoun Foods, a strong supporter of positive activities in Selma, was burglarized the night or morning of the 14th or 15th of May. A source at the Police Department informed us that the time of the break-in was questioned because it was reported by a passerby.

          According to our source, the store appeared to have been entered several times because of the amount of property taken.

          WHY would someone do this to a business that tries to do what is good for Selma? Mayor Perkins, this business has supported you through several Mayoral races, have you NO COMMITMENT to SAFETY; even to those who have supported you??

          What has happened to security checks on businesses? Where are the law enforcement personnal? Do we have sufficient numbers of Police Officers? Where is the leadership? What is the plan? What is your "vision" on crime?!

          This website does not agree with Martial Law, but does feel that State attention is needed to get this law business under control.

          Those who feel that crime is not out of control are not in touch with reality or their neighbors. Being deceived by the whole hearted lies and half lies of others and you will surely be lacking! What will it take to get us out of this "politically imposed" situation that so far has been to cut the police department, drug infested, criminal, stitch tongued, cotton picking mind set!