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          In the more than 40 years we have lived in Selma, we have never seen the town more divided than it is today. All of this division IS DUE TO ONE PERSON, MARK DUKE, the power hungry cult leader of the House of God, the Freedom Foundation, and other assorted front organizations such as RATS (Random Acts of Theatre). The people of Selma must not be misled by these cult members. The struggle here is political as well as religious.

          While nearly 900 people gathered at Elkdale Church Sunday night to hear Duke's own words reveal him as a false prophet, heretic and cult leader, Duke was having his own "unity" service at Selma Community Church, whose pastor is Duke's annointed one, Ronald Smith. SPEAKING AT DUKE'S SERVICE WAS NONE OTHER THAN FORMER MAYOR JAMES PERKINS, JR. Perkins was joined by the "Rev" Ezekiel Pettaway, one of Perkins long time supporters who had a lucrative contract to be the janitor at the Selma Water Works while Perkins was Superintendant and Crenshaw and Leashore were in control and ripping off the people of Selma. Also, attending was Selma Fire Chief Henry Allen, who has joined right in with Duke and the FF.

          Our opinion is that Duke and Perkins both think they are using the other to accomplish their devious ends - to become Mayor of the City. Perkins is an egomaniac who will not step aside to let Duke have the office and Duke is a power control freak who will not let Perkins have the office. It will be interesting to see what happens when they both want the same office in 2012. Meanwhile, they both will use one another as well as God and the church to further their own agendas. The people of Selma should understand that with Mark Duke much more is at stake than whether Jesus is God - though that is the central point where Duke denies the historic Christian faith and demonstrates that he is a heretic AND AN UNBELIEVER.

          The religious aspect of Duke's false teaching is much more serious as far as eternity than his politics. By denying THE JESUS OF THE BIBLE, Duke and his followers can not be classified as Christians or believers. They should be looked upon by Christians as enemies of the Gospel and of the true Christ. The denial of Jesus as God puts those who follow that false teaching outside the pale of salvation because salvation comes from God's grace as we trust in the JESUS OF THE BIBLE AS Lord and Savior. Far from being believers, Duke and his followers are a cult WHOSE GOAL IS TO GAIN CONTROL OF ALL OF SELMA by infiltrating all areas of the political life of the city such as the police and fire departments, the court system, the educational system, and with selected influential people who can be used for the cult's nefarious purposes. We are especially disturbed that the Selma School Board and Dr. O, continue to let school children and choirs be used by the Freedom Foundation.

          Never has our city been so divided AND IT IS ALL BECAUSE OF MARK DUKE AND HIS COLORADO FOLLOWERS AND SOME LOCAL PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN DECEIVED BY THE CULT. Beware of wolves who have come among us in sheep's clothing!