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          With sales tax revenues DOWN $267,000 for the fiscal year which ended September 30 compared to the last fiscal year, IS THIS THE TIME TO GIVE SOME COMPANY THOUSANDS OF TAX DOLLARS to build a theatre in the Mall? Doesn't anyone care that Gaiter Ventures, Inc HAS NEVER BUILT OR OPERATED A THEATRE BEFORE? Where is the money going to come from to give them to pay for their venture BECAUSE IT IS ILLEGAL TO GIVE THEM THE TAX MONEY FROM TICKET SALES. Perhaps some of our new Council members will have the good sense to reconsider this arrangement. We really have a problem with a theatre in the Mall and believe that safety and security problems will overwhelm this experiment in a short time. FOR THE SAKE OF SELMA AND ITS TAXPAYERS, we hope the theatre complex succeeds beyond anyone's wildest dreams; however, in all honesty, this looks like a deal made in some back room and someone's political supporters to rip-off Selma taxpayers.

          With Attorney J.L. Chestnut, Jr. not in the grave a week, Selma's radicals are vying to replace him as they make outrageous suggestions of renaming streets and courthouses. The city has a procedure for naming streets and should not be stampeded into action. The supporters of renaming streets should remember that a renamed street is not a permanent monument to anyone because some future council could change the street name. For example, at some point in the past, Sylvan Street, Small Avenue, and Rangeline Road; however, another Council came along and changed the names of all three of these streets and some others in Selma. The same thing could happen if a street is named for Attorney Chestnut. We were disgusted by the lies that Franklin Fortier, LONG TIME ASSOCIATE WHO CAME TO SELMA WITH CONVICTED CHILD MOLESTER JAMES BEVILL, told about his experience at the council meeting on Monday. In a lapse of memory or outright intellectual dishonesty, Fortier said the Council voted 4 to 4 on a motion to rename the street and the tie vote killed the motion. He mentioned that Evans, Allen, Willaimson, and Cain voted against the motion. We know from listening to the meeting that Williamson WAS NOT PRESENT when the vote was taken and THAT IT WAS NOT A VOTE TO RENAME THE STREET, but a vote to overrule the chair's motion that the motion to rename was out of order. DO FORTIER AND HIS RADICALS HAVE NO TRUTH AND HONESTY IN THEIR RANTINGS? Our suggestion is that the city and county get together and decide on some proper memorial for Attorney Chestnut.

          Remember that all this controversy only a week after Attorney Chestnut's death IS AN ATTEMPT TO EMBARASS MAYOR EVANS AND GET HIS ADMINISTRATION bogged down in controversy. It is apparent that Mr. Evans had better have a strong backbone because he is going to be confronted by these radicals the entire time he is in office. This controversy is being created only a week after Mr. Chestnut's death SO THAT WHOEVER CAN GET THE COUNTY OR CITY TO NAME SOMETHING AFTER MR. CHESTNUT will assume the mantle of leadership which Mr. Chestnut had - replace him as the voice of a certain segment of the community. WAKE UP SELMA AND UNDERSTAND WHAT IS HAPPENING AND WHY!

          FINALLY SOME GOOD NEWS: The Delta Regional Authority has given Probate Judge Kim Ballard and the County government a grant of more than $160,000.00 to extend a water line on County Road 305 so 21 houses and 66 citizens can tie on to the North Dallas Water system. Congratulations to county government. Also, people need to go to the Delta Regional Authority and read Director Pete Johnson's article about industrial recruitment and how times have changed in this area.

          As we had mentioned earlier, we had thought of closing down this website after the defeat of Mayor Perkins and his flunky Johnnie Leashore; however, we have decided to remain in the reporting business for a while longer. With the cults in Selma in league with the radicals in the city, it is evident that there is a BAD MOON RISING over the city!