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AWARDS FOR 2010...

As this year ends, we want to pass out the ANGELFIRE AWARDS OF DISTINCTION OF 2010:

BIGGEST LIAR OF THE YEAR AWARD goes to Johnny "Little Man" Leashore for his consistency in lying at every opportunity. Leashore and Rose Sanders were in a close competition for the Liar of the Year Award until we heard Leashore tell 3 lies in 3 consecutive sentences. At that point, we decided that even Rose could not top the Little Man. The lies that separated the defeated and disgraced ex-councilman from the competition were (1) The City Council meeting on November 23 was changed from 5 PM to noon so council members could attend a dinner that night. THE TRUTH: The Council meeting was changed so that council members could attend the Community Thanksgiving Service, which reminds us, it wouldn't hurt the city's premier liar to be seen at some community church services. (2) The second of the Little Man's lies was that Cecil Williamson wouldn't let blacks come to his church. We know for a fact that blacks occasionally attend the church which Dr. Williamson pastors and that anyone who wishes to worship there is welcomed. (3) The third lie was that Williamson would not take blacks to the Selma Country Club. The fact is that Dr. Williamson is NOT a member of the Country Club; consequently, he can not take blacks, whites or anyone else there.

We are sorry that "Little Man" Leashore has such a visceral hatred for Dr. Williamson. We know this stems from the fact that Leashore thinks Dr. Williamson engineered the defeat of Mayor Perkins and Leashore's own defeat in the 2008 election. However, we do not hold grudges, so we proudly present our LIAR OF THE YEAR AWARD to Johnnie "Little Man" Leashore!!

THE HATES THE SOUTH AWARD goes to Ginger Skelton and Mark Duke of the HOG Cult for their portals of Pearly White and Daddy White on the parody bashing the South, the Country Club, City Government, and council members. Fortunately, for our city both Skelton and Duke, most of the time, have left Selma. If you wanted to know what the Cult thought of Selma before they came here and created all manner of strife and division in the community, you only had to look at their Hee Haw Skit performed in Colorado before they left. We are not sad to see the House of God/Freedom Foundation Cult members leave Selma, but we do want to send Ginger and Mark on the way with a Hate Award for 2010.

THE FOREMOST HATE MONGER AWARD goes this year to a corporation, Imani Communications and its joke of a radio station, HATE RADIO 105.3. We are pleased that most of the community now refers to 105.3 as HATE RADIO because that is what they spew out from daylight to dark. We believe that 2011 will SEE THE DEMISE OF HATE RADIO IN SELMA.

THE TROUBLER OF SELMA AWARD goes to Rose Sanders. Since she destroyed the public school system in 1990, Rose has been reduced to a non-entity in the community. She has very few followers left. Look at the numerous meetings she calls and organizes and see 10-15 people show up to hear her venom. Now she has decided that she will disrupt the meetings of the Selma City Council. When is she going to apologize for ruining the public school system here or taking millions of dollars from the taxpayers of Alabama and buying land in Africa and all over the country? She is truly THE TROUBLER OF SELMA!

THE PASS THROUGH AWARD goes to James Mitchell, President of Wallace College and Senator Hank Sanders. There was a time when Hank simply put Rose's organizations like 21st Century and McRaes School in the state education budget as a line item. These organizations were actually named in the budget to receive funds AND NO ONE DID ANYTHING ABOUT THE SENATOR FUNDING HIS WIFE'S organizations. However, a couple of ethics complaints and Sanders had to find another way to direct his tax dollars to his wife's groups. Enter James Mitchell and Wallace College! Now Sanders has money sent to Wallace for projects such as Jubilee and McRae and Mitchell passes it on to them. We wonder if this immoral practice will cease now that Hank is no longer chairman of the Education Committee.

THE DISAPPOINTED IN A PERSON AWARD goes to former Mayor James Perkins, who seems to have forgotten his biblical upbringing and fallen hook, line and sinker in with the House of God cult.We would not have thought that Mr. Perkins would join with those who deny that Jesus is God and who thus believe in some other Jesus than the Jesus of the Bible. The former Mayor seems to be letting his personal ambition to be Mayor again override his basic convictions about who Jesus is. We are also disappointed that the former Mayor seems to have joined with the HATE MONGERS at 105.3, as he has been on the station every day recently. He sure has a short memory about how the Sanders treated him in the 2008 election. We urge former Mayor, now Rev. Perkins, to not associate himself with a Jesus-denying cult-not even for their support in the 2012 election! It is quite possible that they will all be gone from Selma by the end of this year. We hear that Jason and Becca Armstrong and his parents are the latest to leave our fair city.

THE MOST DELUSIONAL PERSON AWARD goes to Frances Coles. Ms. Coles knows a little bit of everything and a lot about nothing. She can be heard on the radio every day and night.

THE ELECTED OFFICIAL OF THE YEAR AWARD goes to Mayor George Evans. The Mayor inherited a $740,000.00 deficit from the Perkins administration and spent the first year of his administration trying to keep the city from going bankrupt. This involved asking many city employees, as well as the Mayor and council members (except Crenshaw and Randolph) to take a 12% pay cut for the year. Having stabilized the city's finances in his first year, Mayor Evans led the city toward signs of great progress in this his second year in office. Look around Selma and see the improvements which are being made everywhere. We believe as the third year of the Evans administration now begins, that we will see a changed Selma by the end of 2011.

The Mayor has moved forward despite the incessant lies of HATE RADIO 105.3, Leashore, Fortier, the House of God/Freedom Foundation Cult, Ronald Smith, Ezekial Pettaway and the continued disruptions by Rose Sanders and the Cult. We say to Mayor Evans, "stay the course and continue to fight the good fight"!