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Dear Mayor Evans:

Please accept our thoughts as coming from those who supported your election 100% and who are pleased that you are our Mayor. You have now been our Mayor for 7 months. The biggest difference we have seen between your administration and that of your predecessor, James Perkins, Jr., is that you have given the citizens a sense of hope that Selma does have a future.

IF YOU DO THE SAME THINGS WHICH HAVE BEEN DONE BEFORE, YOU WILL GET THE SAME RESULTS! That is a truism. There is no way to get different results if you do the same things Perkins did. We refer specifically to the fact that after 7 months PERKINS APPOINTEES ARE STILL RUNNING THE DAY TO DAY BUSINESS OF CITY GOVERNMENT. To our knowledge, the only Perkns appointee you have replaced was Henry Hicks at General Services. The City Council had the backbone to get rid of City Clerk Lois Williams.

You still have City Attorney Jimmy Nunn, Personnel Director Val Jones, Police Chief William Riley, Fire Chief Henry Allen, Community Development Director Charlotte Griffith, Code Enforcement Director Daryl Moore, and Finance Director Cynthia Mitchell-ALL PERKINS APPOINTEES-running the day to day affairs of the city. AS LONG AS THE SAME PEOPLE ARE RUNNING THE CITY, WE DO NOT EXPECT ANY DIFFERENT RESULTS THAN WE HAVE SEEN IN THE PAST 8 YEARS WHEN SELMA WAS RUN INTO THE GROUND!

Although President Obama had his cabinet in place when he took office as do most Presidents, Governors and Mayors, we were not terribly upset when you announced you were going to take a few months to make changes in the departments. We do want to say again that we believe you should PUT PEOPLE IN THESE OFFICES WHO ARE LOYAL TO YOU AND WHO SUPPORT YOU. These people are NOT your friends and given the opportunity will work against you.

Interestingly, Darlene Rudulph, Perkins former Executive Assistant and more, is now Secretary to city attorney Jimmy Nunn. All this means is that the Perkins for Congress campaign will to some extent be run out of the city attorney's office. Your Police Chief Riley and for chief Jimmy Martin have been seen meeting with Perkins at the Ramada Inn. Code Enforcement employee D Mo, former disc jockey at hate radio 105.3, called the Mark Duke Real Talk Radio program on hate radio on Thursday around 1:45 p.m. to banter with Mark Duke about their upcoming basketball game. To our knowledge, he does not have his own radio program during work hours, as he did when he worked for Perkins and Trustbuild. We wonder why he was kept on the city payroll?

We urge you to use your influence with the City Council to have Cynthia Mitchell removed as City Finance Director. She is incompetent with an attitude. We hear that one of the auditors said that everyone at city hall was gracious and helpful, except Mitchell. She may think she has a 4 year job, but remember that both Vicky Locke and Bob Sanders were removed as city finance directors during their term.

We have heard the talk that three or four city council members are almost ready to have a VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE in most all of the Perkins appointees who remain as department heads. While that vote would have no legal effect, it would not be a favorable reflection upon city government.

Isn't 7 months long enough to find out who needs to be replaced? Or if it is not long enough, please signal the public how much more time you need to put competent people, loyal to you, in city government because AS LONG AS THE SAME PEOPLE RUN CITY GOVERNMENT, WE WILL GET THE SAME RESULTS WE GOT UNDER PERKINS.

Your continued supporters,