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Another Law Suit

The city council meeting 8/28/06 was called into Executive Session to discuss a lawsuit levied against the City of Selma by the Old Town Association, Inc.

It appears there are permit questions and questions pertaining to codes in the city involving transient housing.

Pastor Gary Crum was asked in open council if it was true that WCCS (James Mitchell) and him were partnering to put in an apartment complex or transient housing in the Old Dunn's Rest Home Building in the Historic District of Old Town. He beat around the bush, side stepped, and did not answer the question. The city now has a legal action suit against it for allowing Pastor Crum, James Perkins Jr, and James Mitchell to proceed with this housing project or transient housing or halfway house - whatever it is.

A source in city government stated that there had been several conversations concerning this project with the mayor. This website does not find that hard to believe. Mayor James Perkins Jr and Mr James Mitchell are the best of friends. One has the nickname "Perk" and the other is "Mitch". One doesn't do anything without the other's knowledge it seems.

This is one more situation that Mayor Perkins has pleaded dumb to in order to cover covert actions and conversations with other people concerning the community.

He will probably remain dumb on this issue until it's time to turn it over to the Crenshaw block for their action. We all know what that will be, don't we.

The mayor also feels this is a racial act by those in Old Town. Why don't you come out and say it mayor? Show how you feel about every other person in Selma except those you can control.

One day the "playing dumb" game will catch up with him and the others involved in his "Circle of Love".