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          One of the recurring and legitimate criticism of the FREEDOM FOUNDATION (most of whose members belong to the House of God Cult) is that they DO NOT want to be a part of the community and its activities. They came here with a preconceived notion that Selma was mired in a 1960's racist, third world mindset. To take part in what the community offers would compromise their ideas of what Selma is.

          Consequently, the FREEDOM FOUNDATION COMPETES WITH EVERYTHING Selma has to offer. The latest example of this is that the FF is sponsoring an ART CAMP in July. For many, many years, the City Ceramics Department has sponsored 2 ART CAMPS each summer. The camps are well attended by children and young people of all races. The staff is also multi-racial and does a great job with every child.

          Rather than supporting the ART CAMP which has existed here for years, the FF decided to have its own art camp the very SAME WEEK IN JULY as the local Art Camp..and they wonder why they have not been welcomed with open arms into the community. The FF ART CAMP is being sponsored in conjunction with and at CONCORDIA COLLEGE.

          We want to say a word about and to Concordia College. For many, many years in Selma, Concordia was a tremendously good neighbor to all of Selma. It was such a good citizen that many people did not know that it existed or that it offered an excellent Christian liberal arts education. However, in recent years, Concordia has been much less vigilant in the kinds of students it recruits. Concordia students have committed robberies, murder, and mayhem in Selma in recent years-only a small percentage of Concordia students were involved, but the students committing these crimes were enrolled there. To make matters worse for the college, in the last Mayoral Election in Selma, a few faculty members and a number of students worked tirelessly for the re-election of Mayor James Perkins,Jr.

          Now, this orthodox Lutheran Christian School is joining with CULT MEMBERS in the Freedom Foundation to sponsor an ART CAMP on campus which competes directly witht he long running art camp sponsored by the City of Selma. We believe this is ANOTHER public relations fiasco for the Christian college to be associated WITH THE CULT AND TO LET THE CULT USE ITS FACILITIES. We urge CONCORDIA to rethink its decision to sponsor this art camp and to let the FF use its facilities.