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          How sad to see Senator HANK SANDERS reduced to an ambulance chaser as he is on HATE RADIO 105.3 repeatedly telling the unsuspecting, “You may be entitled to money damages if you took (fill in any drug)…What Sanders doesn’t tell the unsuspecting is that he is merely recruiting them for a “referral fee” for some law firm in another city which has made a cottage industry of suing every known drug manufacturer in hopes of a multi million dollar class action settlement. This referral racket is just another example of the Sanders preying on the unsuspecting in our community!

          Speaking of HANK AND ROSE SANDERS, consider this abuse and misuse of the taxpayers money. Legal Services of Alabama has just sent out an appeal for money for the local Legal Service office in Selma, which IS SUPPOSE TO HELP THE POOR AND THOSE UNABLE TO AFFORD LEGAL SERVICES. The local Legal Service office in Selma is run by ROSE’S SISTER, Carolyn Gaines Varner. Buried in the flyer Legal Services mailed recently was the fact that the Selma Legal Service office had just helped the Slavery Museum on Water Avenue obtain non-profit 501(c)(3) status. OF COURSE THAT MUSEUM IS FOUNDED, OWNED AND OPERATED BY ROSE SANDERS, ONE OF THE RICHEST WOMEN IN ALABAMA. We want to know why an organization that is suppose to help only the poor helped Rose get tax exempt status for her organization. If this is not a misuse of public funds, we wonder what is!

          And you tax dollars keep coming to ROSE AND HANK. The Alabama Historical Commission recently announced a $10,000 grant to Rose’s Voting Rights Museum. Supposedly the money is to be used for the Trail from Selma to Montgomery.


          HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THE CAROLYN BATES FIASCO? Former Dallas County School Board member, Freeman Waller, did not tell anyone that he was not seeking re-election until the last minute. When no one qualified to run as a Democrat in the March 13 primary, at the last moment, Democrat operative Ozetta Thomas called Carolyn Bates and had her qualify. Because no one wanted to run against Waller, no one qualified as a Democrat and no Republican qualified. Consequently, as the only candidate on the March 13 ballot, Bates received the Democrat nomination. With no Republican opposition on the November 6 General Election ballot, it appeared that the Dallas County Board of Education was about to have a new member, Carolyn Bates. THIS WAS UNFORTUNATE BECAUSE the County School Board runs a quiet school system with little controversy and Board members and Superintendent work well together for the good of the children and system in the County. The troubles and controversy with the Selma City School System only make the County School Board look better. They certainly did not need a loud mouth trouble maker like Carolyn Bates on the Board.

          Bates lives on Kingsley Drive, listed her qualifying address as Kingsley Drive, is on the voters list living on Kingsley Drive and has her homestead exemption on Kingsley Drive. THE ONLY PROBLEM WITH THAT IS THAT KINGSLEY DRIVE IS IN DISTRICT 5, not in District 3, the district which Waller represented and for which Bates wrongly qualified.

          On November 6, there were 34 write-in votes for the District 3 Dallas County Board of Education position. The person who received the most votes (24) and who is the duly elected District 3 member of the Dallas County Board of Education is FRANK CHESTNUT, SR. We congratulate the senior Chestnut and wish him well as he represent District 3 on the Board. Considering all of the verbal abuse that Selma City School Board member, Frank Chestnut, Jr. took from Bates, the phony PACO group, Leashore and HATE RADIO 105.3, HOW IRONIC THAT FRANK, SR HAS BEEN ELECTED TO THE county board instead of Carolyn Bates!


FYI: In the General Election on November 6, there were 10,703 residents of Selma/Dallas County who voted the straight Democrat ticket and 2,340 who voted the straight Republican ticket. Barrack Obama received 14,599 votes and Mitt Romney received 6,284.


We were pleased that Dr. Cecil Williamson was against elected President Pro-Tem of the Selma City Council. Any rational, objective person would know that after having served as President Pro-Tem and as President of the Council, he would be the most qualified person to be Pro-Tem; however, ROSE and “Little Rose” Fortier will never let Selma be at peace. They have been all of HATE RADIO 105.3 spewing their hate toward the council members who voted for Williamson. “Little Rose” Malika even came to the last Council meeting and passed out a hate filled, mean spirited letter directed toward Dr. Williamson with the usual lies and false charges. HOW LONG WILL SELMA TOLERATE THESE EVIL, HATE FILLED PEOPLE AND 105. 3 Radio?


There is hope for those who know that once the Sanders and Fortiers are gone that Selma will realize its potential for growth and unity. IT IS MORE THAN COINCIDENCE THAT THE PEOPLE WHO MAY DO THE SANDERS CLAN IN IS THE FAMILY OF J. L. CHESTNUT. The estate of the late attorney has brought an action against the Sanders, which among other things, asked for an accounting of the money which came to the law firm. Apparently the Sanders have taken and/or misappropriated large sums of money which were due J. L. and/or his estate. Now they are in Court about this. Hopefully, the Chestnut family will prevail and perhaps bring an end to the Sanders empire.