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Un Schweg
Saturday, 12 March 2005
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Xplay on G4 - TV For Gamers
Topic: Thinking
I believe that mood balancing drugs (Zoloft ECT...) are only for lazy people. I believe that people who aren't bipolar, just clinically depressed, are looking for the easy way out.
Happiness is natural... Sadness in normal... And being halfway in between isn't a bad thing.... Maybe people should watch a good movie to control their emotions. You feel a little down and you watch Garden State to perk you up. You're way too happy , so you put on The Dark Crystal to mellow you out. Or maybe if you feel down, you can eat a Milka chocolate bar. Or read an inspiring story from the Bible.
There are always alternative to little emotional drugs, even the ones you don' normally think of. If you depend on coffee to wake you up in the morning, slowly wing off of the caffeine by mixing in decaf. And rely on the scalding hot welt on your tongue to wake you up.
I've come to a realization that if you're sad theres a reason... Same thing for any other emotion. When I was given a wicked ultimatum from my old drama teacher... I left the program so that I wouldn't be kept in a situation that would make me have some random rash emotion. Although its a sad thing I was just about over it after 2 songs by "The Shins."

Posted by un/schweg at 3:52 PM EST
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