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Life The Universe and Japan




So what's it all about ....


Welcome to my website, my name is Glyn Carroll and I currently reside in Tokyo Japan so that is where this web site starts, to the left is a picture of the Japan GAA Team of which I am a member, the picture was taken in Hong Kong in September 2004 during our assault on the Asian Gaelic Games competeion. I am standing in the middle of the back row.

This website is a mish mash of commentary, pictures, rubbish and rants about the life universe and all that kind of malarkey, I guess it starts in Tokyo because that is where I reside at present but there will undoubtedly be twists and turns over the coming years so hold on, sit back and enjoy the ride. I have been meaning to do something like this for a long time and only now am getting off my lazy ass to put together.

I am going to use this website as a tool to share my photos, experiences, thoughts and ideas. It will be a kind of online diary that I can look back at over the coming years to refresh my memory of the places I have been, the people I have meet and the things I have experienced. Whether this will be of interest to you, the viewer, I do not know or really care. This is a selfish endeavour with the purpose of reminding me of the past.

Why have I dcided to put this website together now? I hear you ask. Well the main reason I guess is the fact that I am in the process of leaving Japan, I have been here for the past 6 years and only recently have I realised that I have very little to show for my time here apart from my memories and friends. While I consider my friends from my time spent here as life time frinds who I will continue to keep in touch with no matter where I live, my memories are diferent, they fade, and experiences are lost in the debths of time. To keep my memories alive and experiences vivid I have decided to write them down. I want to do this now while they are still clear in my mind, before time distorts them and changes them into figments of my imagination. Although one can argue that all memory is disotrted from the second it is stored in our brain, I believe the faster you record those memories in dialogue the more accurate the picture will be.

For any commentary, suggestions or just to chat you can email me at