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Nitto 1320 Challenge © 2003

Version 1.08S (.exe)
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Nitto 1320 Challenge News (Updated 11/26/2003):

  • 11/26/2003 - Version 1.08 is out! All ArtMoney cheats that were reported have been fixed. Ever wondered what it was like to drive a real life Nitro Funny Car? Ever wanted to feel the surge of power forcing you into your seat as you relentlessly accelerate down the track? Now you can! We've made a Nitro Funny Car available as the second in a series of premium cars. To purchase the Nitro Funny Car, please visit the 1320 store.

  • 10/22/2003 - Have you ever wondered what it would be like to drive a real race car on the drag strip? Now you can! The F-Type car is finally available to everyone. It is the first is a series of premium cars that will be made available in the future. To purchase the F-Type car, please visit the 1320 store. Please note that you may only purchase one F-Type car per transaction, and all F-Type cars are tracked to prevent fraud.

  • 10/8/2003 - Version 1.07 goes gold!! Please download the newest version from the link above. If you are a member and have been involved in beta testing, you will need to redownload this version.
    What's new?
    • Wheels and Suspension
    • Disable most of the cheats
    • Fix the disconnects
    • Reduce the lags

  • 10/8/2003 - Version 1.07 is in beta. Currently the beta is only open for members, moderators, and admins. The reason why beta is limited is because anything can go wrong in beta. There are risks involved, so if you are a member who volunteers to do the testing, please be aware of these risks. Another reason is to prevent unnecessary multiple releases for the public.

  • 10/7/2003 - Forum is updated. You don't need to login each time you need to post. The bad words and URL filtering is fixed and now works just like the chat in the game. You can no longer edit your post, so make sure you proof read it before posting. Topics that are started at 10/7/03 4:15 PM PST or older will be DELETED for cleaning up the bad words and URLs tomorrow (10/8).

  • 9/2/2003 - Version 1.06S has been patched again to fix the disconnects. Revision 3 of the 1.06S is still encapsulated in an encryption wrapper to prevent cheating. Therefore, the performance will not be as fast as 1.05S or any other previous versions. Download it now!

  • 9/2/2003 - Main statistics are now updated based on daily data. That means you can no longer race yourself a million times and be at the top forever. Only races within 24 hours count. This applies to top racers, top teams, and fastest cars.

  • 9/2/2003 - Message board has been added. You need to have an account that has been activated to be able to post.

  • 8/28/2003 - Version 1.06S has been patched to improve performance when switching between screens within the game. Revision 2 of the 1.06S is still encapsulated in an encryption wrapper to prevent cheating. Therefore, the performance will not be as fast as 1.05S or any other previous versions. Download it now!

  • 8/27/2003 - Nitto 1320 Challenge was down for maintenance at 12:00PM PST. All parts were uninstalled to remove all glitched cars. Please make sure you reinstall all the parts before you race again (Garage -> Selected Car -> Modifications).

  • 8/21/2003 - Nitto 1320 memberships are now available! Now you can avoid the dreaded "Too Many Users" login message, and be heard in the chat rooms.

  • 8/21/2003 - Version 1.06 of the game has been released. It includes additional enhancements to prevent cheating and improve the chat room experience. It also fixes random data transmission bugs that lead to mysterious game lockups.