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{ mn.shygurlo }
At Asian Avenue Dot Com

{ About The Page }
Updated: October 19,2003
Time Updated: 8:25 PM
Song: King Of Yesturday
Updated By: Miz. Emily & Miz. Anna
Version: 2.0

{ intro.duction }
Hey There Everyone. How's Things holding up? Well, as you can see, I have Updated my page Once after all. Feel free to look around and be sure to stop by the guest-book when you're finish looking around! Thanks.
Sign Out: Anna

Name: Anna Her Vang Moua
Age: 17 Turning 18
Stats: Married
To Who? Kong Vang Moua
Location: Mpls, MN
Birthday: February 1986
Place of Birth: Somewhere in Iowa
In Love? Yes
Likes: Shopping, Hanging with Jitz!, talking, taking Pictures, etc..
Dislikes: Everything you don't like. Ex: Haterz, Biznats (biatches), Ho3s, slu.ts, and especially FOBS.
Contacts: Note Me, Sign My Guest-book.
Others: shygurlo@hotmail{dot}com
Other AA Pages: (Click It to go to It)
annapluskong | annas_babe |

{ }

{ daily.thoughts }
October 19, 2003 |7:24 PM| Right nows i was just about to do some corndogs for benji and timmy. dang well i got way better now but still sick! URG i hate being sick dang!! WHY DO I HAVE TO BE SO SENSITIVE ON SICKNESS!! urg! hehehe WELL THANKS SO MUCH FOR MY LOVING SPECIAL LITTLE SISTER FOR HELPING ME ON MY PAGE!! dang im so lazy huh!? hehehehe i think ima quit on smoking ugh...or maybe change the ciggerrette brand. hmm i dont know.. hahahah WOOH! i just finnish screaming with jittz on "LET THE RAIN FALL DOWN, AND WAKE MY DREAMS, LET IT WASH AWAY MY SANITY!" Gotta go now. Bye!

{ shout.out }
To my SIBBLINGS: Thank you for being there for me. I never notice that you guys really love me until i got sick! i'm so sorry for not realizing that!! Please forgive me! BECAUSE IM JUST A FAWKEN STUPID FAT BI.TCH also always having to fawk everything up on you guys! Sorry for not taking all my sisters and brothers advices!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME OK!!! also its okay if you don't want to forgive me at least i confess and that im truely sorry. Sorry that im never for you guys and for comforting you guys!!! im so sorry. i tooked everything for GRANTED! im so sorry! please give me another chance to be a better sister for you!

To my DAD: thank you so much for everything thank you for taking care of our family thank you for staying strong. thank you for lecturing us, thank you for being there for us. thank you for trying.

Thank you god/Jesus for everything too! Thanks for helping my family so much. Thanks for letting us settle down again. thanks for making us understand about life. Thanks so much for everything! Thanks for taking care of our mom. Thanks for making every worse thing into good things!

To my friends: Thanks for being there for me and thanks for making me have a good time. also thanks for making me feel better when im down. thanks for letting me come to u when i have no place.

To aa-visitors: Thanks for coming by my ugly page (except that hottie silly billy nilly "Matthew Lawrence") dang! he's hot! MMMmmM. Well don't forget to sign the guestbook!!

{ something.for.anna.from.jitz }
Anna you silly hun! Hahaha..ur such a dork! and NO You're NOT a Fawken Stupid fat biatch. You're my MOST LOVING SISTER. I don't know where or what I'd be or do without you! You've been there so much for me. You were right next to me when I needed something. Though you may think that I'm mad at you for doing something dumb. I wasn't mad at you! And when I say I'm not mad, then I'm not. Kay? Just know that nomatter what, You're always my #1 Sister. And maybe one day Choua would be our #2 sister. But, still, she's growing..we gotta make her like US! Not like Gay! hahah..u know? anywase, Thanks for everything. And You don't need to be Sorry at all. I should be the one who's sorry for interferring Kong and ur life! =/ Still, I just want the best for you two! Always know that I'm here for you! kay? Muahz!
P.S. Choua said she don't know what to say to you. (cause she's dumb like that!) hahaha..


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