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Hello, we are Dawn & Stacey the creators of Little Born
Miracles. We are stay at home moms who first discovered
reborn dolls while surfing E-bay. We fell in love with them
and decided to do some research and create them for
ourselves. They turned out amazing (we gave our first
ones to our daughters). We got such a great response
from family and friends we decided to make more. We
have sold them at nursing homes (the senior citizens fell in
love with them it was such a good feeling to see their faces
light up when holding them), craft fairs, E-bay and some
stores carry our dolls. We decided to create a site so other
people could enjoy them.  That is how our Little Born
Miracles site was created.


The original vinyl doll is taken apart and given a baby
bubble bath. All original coloring is taken off and prepared
for painting. They are then painted inside and out (with a
variety of colors) to give them the real flesh tone of
babies. They are then blushed on the outside, every
wrinkle and feature to give them that real baby look . We
replace the original factory eyes with high quality realistic
eyes. They are then given a cloth body stuffed and
weighted to  feel like a real baby. They are given a baby
manicure with tiny white tips on their little hands and tiny
toes . Very wispy eyebrows are painted on and then wispy
eyelashes are applied. Then they are given a high quality,
very soft wig that feels just like baby hair. It can be styled  
and brushed. Mouths are then tinted and sealed. Their
noses are opened very gently so that they can take their
very first breath and then they are diapered and dressed
(clothes can be changed (0 to 3) months will fit most of
the babies). This is just a broad overview of the process.
Each baby is made with hours of patience, time and
dedication. They truly are Little Born Miracles.
Remember these babies are not made as play dolls for
little children. They are really for grown ups. The dolls we
have made for our children have held up  and withstood
hours and hours of play by our 3/4 year olds but it is not
recommended. Our babies need gentle handling and lots of
love, just like a real baby. We guarantee you will love to
hold and cuddle these Little Born Miracles and they will
bring you much joy.

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