
Winston-Salem Journal

Sunday 8/17 Arts Section - |VISUAL ART/ Tom Patterson|

"Some type of unsettling metamorphosis appears to be affecting the individuals portrayed in John Monteith's engagingly idiosyncratic paintings. Their heads appear to have been stretched out of shape and veiled in layers of molten, flesh-hued wax or rubber--a metaphorical allusion, perhaps, to social or psychological dysfunction".

Winthrop University

|Tom Stanley|

"Artist John Monteith will debut a shift in style and concept with his latest works for the Patrick Gallery. Though working from a small, home-based studio in Columbia, SC, Monteith has shown nationally and internationally. His images have often evolved from popular culture media including found high school year books. His works have been exhibited in the prestigious Biennale de Lyon d'Art Contemporaine in Maison de Lyon, France, and at Ricco/Maresca Gallery in New York. Monteith's latest paintings have emerged from over two years of collecting "self-portrait" digital photographs from South Carolina chat-room sites over the internet. "This work is truly cutting-edge as John has used cyberspace figurative images like models. His rendering in oils, the voyeuristic view provided by the original image, both contribute to a Degas-like realism of private worlds made public," notes gallery director Tom Stanley".